ns2 project in New Hampshire

ns2 project in New Hampshire

       ns2 project in New Hampshire one suitable example is the contentbased

object routing technique called Java

Object Router Each agent should a. on activation (by receiving an AAM), find and

register local node resources information. Resources

include available CPUs, CPU power,

ns2 project in New Hampshire storage and memory capacity, etc., b. respond to the leader with an AMA message

containing the agent’s ID, address, and resources

information, and c. receive and locally update the neighbors’ addresses

from the leader for future ns2 project in New Hampshire interprocess

communication. When information becomes available, agents and leaders

communicate through the created hierarchical structure

where agents collaborate to satisfy user job ns2 project in New Hampshire requirements

efficiently. The periodic availability checks can be finetoned

to the system properties to minimize the number of

checks performed. This mainly relies on the stability of the

system used. If the system is stable and has low probability

of failures, then the period between checks can be set to be

long, thus reducing the total messages ns2 project in New Hampshire exchanged. However,

if the system includes unreliable components or is

connected through unreliable communications links, the

period should be short enough to discover failures and

recover quickly to minimize job failures.

5.3 Leader Startup Protocol

This protocol is designed to assist in automating the startup

and configuration of leader agents. The outcome ns2 project in New Hampshire of this

protocol is to have leaders acquire full resource information

about their descendant agents (including virtual clusters)

and routing information about other leaders. In addition, all

agents within the same cluster (or virtual cluster) need ns2 project in New Hampshire to have address information of their leader and that of one another. Another important aspect of this protocol is ns2 project in New Hampshire that it allows agents and leaders to be easily added to the system with minimum user intervention. The protocol works as

follows: 1. The new leader, Lx, constructs an LAM with its information and ns2 project in New Hampshire broadcasts it on the network. 2. On receiving LAM from Lx, a leader registers received ID and address and sends LAAM to Lx. 3. On receiving the LAAM, Lx updates the address and routing information. 4. Lx initializes the resource table to its local node’s

available resources and remotely starts accessible agents on the cluster or networked ns2 project in New Hampshire system by broadcasting an AAM. 5. On receiving the AAM from Lx, an agent starts up, constructs an AMA, and sends it to Lx.

6. On receiving an AMA from an agent, Lx updates the

resources and routing information. 7. If the number of agents activated is higher than a

preset threshold, Lx activates one of the agents to be a leader and assigns some of the agents as its descendants. The new leader performs all the leader

operations for the agents under its control.

8. Step 7 is repeated as necessary to evenly distribute agents and leaders to ns2 project in New Hampshire form a balanced hierarchical

structure of agents.