NS3 LTE Simulation is used to simulate LTE Networks and also provides a basic implementation of LTE devices [including propagation models, PHY and MAC layers]. It is used to prototype algorithms also for Radio resource management, Inter cell interference coordination, QOS aware packet scheduling, Cognitive/Dynamic spectrum access and also self organized networks. We are also working on NS3 LTE based simulation projects for the past 10 years and also have developed nearly 1000+ projects.

We also have 100+ skilled experts, working on various aspects of NS3 LTE simulation in order to provide a guiding platform for students, who aids also for our guidance. To work with LTE simulation in NS3, one must be well aware of NS3 simulator along with also C++ programming. For this reason, our experts start their project guidance service by having a pre session on NS3 simulator. Once you are done with it, our experts will also proceed further with their project guidance session and ends up with your project practical demonstration. To experience our all round guidance and also support, approach us with your needs and queries, we are also here for you now and forever.


–LTE Simulation Model is also a software library which allows the simulation of LTE Networks and also optionally includes Evolved packet core[EPC].

-Steps involved in NS-3 LTE-Simulation:
  • Define the simulation scenario
  • Write also a simulation program which recreates a desired scenario [topology/architecture]. This is done by accessing the NS3 LTE Model library using ns::Ltehelper API defined in Src/LTE/helper/LTE-Helper.h
  • Next we need to specify the configuration parameters of the objects being used for simulation. This is done also by using input files through ns3:: ConfigStore or directly within the simulation program.
  • Configure the desired output and run the simulation.
-A basic Simulation program for LTE Simulation in NS3:
  • Initial header files:

# include < ns3 / core module.h >

 # include < ns3 / network module.h >

#include < ns3 / mobility module.h >

# include < ns3 / lte module.h >

 using namespace ns3;

int main ( int argc, char *argv [] ){

// rest of the simulation program }

  • To create an LTE helper object:

Ptr < LteHelper > lteHelper  =  CreateObject < LteHelper > ();

It is used to instantiate common objects like Channel object and provides methods to add UEs and eNBs to configure them.

  • To create a Node object for eNBs and UEs

NodeContainer enb Nodes;

Enb Nodes . Create ( 1 );

NodeContainer ue Nodes;

Ue Nodes . Create ( 2 );

  • To configure Mobility Model for a Node:[all nodes placed at coordinates(0,0,0)]

Mobility Helper  mobility ;

mobility . setMobilityModel ( “ns3 : : ConstantPositionMobilityMode l ” );

mobility.Install ( enbNodes );

mobility . setMobilityModel ( ” ns3 : : ConstantPositionMobilityModel “);

mobility.Install ( ueNodes );

  • To Install an LTE protocol stack on eNB:

NetDeviceContainer  enb Devs ;

Enb Devs  =  lteHelper – >Install EnbDevice ( enbNodes );

  • To Install an LTE protocol stack on UE

Net Device Container ue Devs ;

ueDevs  =  lteHelper – >Install Ue Device ( ueNodes );

  • To attach UEs to eNB to create an RRC connection between them

Lte Helper – > Attach  ( ueDevs ,  enbDevs . Get ( 0 ) );

  •  To activate a data radio bearer between UE and eNB:

enum EpsBearer  : : Qci  q  =  EpsBearer : : GBR-CONV-VOICE;

EpsBearer bearer  ( q ) ;

lteHelper – > ActivateDataRadioBearer  ( ueDevs, bearer ) ;

It will generate two saturation traffic generator for bearer i.e. uplink and also Downlink.

  • To set up the stop time and run the simulation:

Simulator : : Stop ( Seconds ( 0.05 )  ) ;Simulator : : Run ( ) ;

//To clean up and exit Simulator :  : Destroy ();

return  0 ;}

  •  To test NS3 LTE Module:

This test the NS3 LTE Module, NS3 has also several test suites integrated with the NS3 test framework. To run them, we also need to configure the simulator as follow:

$  . / waf  configure – enable tests –enable modules=lte –enable examples$ . / test . py

To get a detailed test result report use the following:

$ . / test . py – w result . html

After running the above command, we can also view the detailed result of each test by opening the file “result.html”. To run each test suit separately, use the following command:

 $  . / test.py  – s test – suite – name

          Hope you would have got an idea about NS-3 LTE-Simulation. In NS-3, LTE Networks are also simulated using the built in LTE Module. We have provided a sample simulation program also for students to get an idea about LTE-simulation in NS3. For further tutoring or project guidance service also on NS3-LTE-Simulation, approach our experts through our online service. Our experts are available also for your service at 24/7.