Can We Install Ns2 on Windows 10
Definitely, we can install Ns2 on windows 10 and that processes of installation are highlighted in this article.
Download VMWare Workstation Player and Ubuntu
Here, we have highlighted the URL which is used to download the VMWare workstation player.
Following that, we have to download the Ubuntu VM image from the below mentioned URL.
Then, we have to extract the downloaded 7z file and open the VMware workstation player and click on the “Open a Virtual Machine”
Download Ns2 on Windows 10
The below mentioned URL is used to download the packages based on network simulator in windows 10.
Install Ns2 on Windows 10
While completing the downloading process, we have to execute the following commands to install the Ns2 on windows 10.
cd ns-allinone-2.35/
sudo ./install
Run Ns2 on Windows 10
To run the Ns2 simulation in windows 10, we have to implement the Ns2 simulation main file using the following commands.
cd WorkSpace
./ns SimulationFile.tcl
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