Devices connected through cables and wires or even without wires, that is, through radio waves form a network. The best example of a computer network is the Internet on a large scale and LAN on a small scale. Homework help in network can build any type of network with a specific configuration of simulation/emulation. Through this article, the process of network design, computer network research areas and core ideas in the network can be understood. 

Whatever be the complexity of the problem that you are facing now, we are here to give you the best way forward. Below we give you an overall view of networks and their research.

Computer Network Research Areas

Communication technologies like 5G, Wi-Fi are possible only because of the networks. There are different protocols, and structures include IEEE 802.15.4, 802.11, 802.11ax, 802.11, etc., for every network design. The following are the trending computer network research areas in cutting-edge communication technologies.

  • Industrial standards under 6TiSCH
  • LTE, LTE-A, LTE-M and LTE-R
  • Radio and 5G communication
  • IEEE 802.11ax
  • Communication at THz band
  • Communication using mm wave

We have almost two decades of experience in guiding research projects in computer networks. So we are capable of analysing all sorts of problems with network and wireless communication technologies. You can seek our Homework help, assignment help in computer network to get your queries solved. Now let’s understand what is new in the network.


Network virtualization in the Internet of things (IoT) is the new arena of scope that seeks more innovation. The field demands the interconnection be established among all the things with low complexity and cost (communication, computation, and routing). So IoT requires a suitable, low cost, highly reliable, and safe way of communication among different things present in the network. Thus the design of a network, also called network topology, plays a key role in network performance. So Following is a note on network topologies for your reference.

Research Computer Network Research Areas


The design of the network is called a topology. The efficiency of the network is decided by its physical structure. There are different types of network topologies. They are

  • Point to point network is a structure involving only two points.
  • A full mesh network is a type of topology in which every node in a network is connected for communication.
  • A partial mesh network is a topology that has nodes which is a partial mesh network.
  • Star network structure is the design in which the devices of the network are connected to the main computer.
  • When star networks are interconnected, it forms a tree network

These are the basic types of network topology. One can build on these topologies to design their own network. Now let us know about the importance of network topology.

What is the importance of network topology?

Selecting the best topology which can suit the need is the first step in designing a network. Also, the cost and efficiency of the network lie in the selection of network topology. The important function of studying the network topology through software is to analyze the problems in the present network

What are the latest technologies in networking?

  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • 5G / 6G / Beyond 5G 
  • Mobile Edge Computing 
  • Augmented / Virtual Reality with UAV Communications 
  • Internet of Things 

Further, then the above-mentioned technologies, blockchain and software-defined networking, are the latest technologies in networking. If we use these technologies in our research topics, it can improve the performance of the network in terms of Minimizing the Traffic Load, Eliminate Latency, and High Security

With the vast knowledge and skill that we acquired from guiding ample research projects in networks, we can solve all types of problems that you face during your research which can be both technical and research requirements like writing a thesis, publishing papers, etc. you can seek our expert guidance in computer network research areas at any time since we have 24/7 customer support facility. So feel free to call us always.