Cygwin Ns2
Through this article, our technical professionals have deliberated the execution of Cygwin in network simulator 2. Come let’s have the look about the processes that are involved in the execution of Cygwin in Ns2.
Step: 1 Download Cygwin 64 Bit
Firstly, we have to download the Cygwin 64 bit version setup.exe through the URL which is highlighted in the following.

Step: 2 Download Ns2 for Windows 10
Following that, we have to download the Ns2 simulator for windows 10 using the web link which is highlighted in the following.

And then, we have to save the download packages based on network simulator 2 file in C:\cygwin\.
Step: 3 Install Ns2 in Windows 10 Using Cygwin
In addition, we have to install Ns2 in windows 10 using Cygwin through the execution of commands that have been highlighted in the following.
cd ns-allinone-2.35/

Step: 4 Run Ns2 Simulation in Windows 10 Using Cygwin
Finally, we have to run Ns2 simulation using the creation of Ns2 simulation main file along with file extension .tcl in the project location and implement the below mentioned commands in Cygwin command prompt window.
cd cygwin/ProjectLocation/
sudo ./ns Main.tcl

Reach us to acquire more about Cygwin Ns2!!!