GloMoSim Network simulator is an open source network simulator used to simulate various networks including wired, wireless, satellite and also communication networks. It is a popular simulator, which is used to study the behavior of large scale hybrid networks. We also offer support for GloMosim based projects, assignments and lab sessions. Also, We prefer project based learning approach that is along with project guidance, we offer complete tutoring on GloMosim simulator.
GloMosim Simulator for Students
We also offer support for all types of network simulation tool i.e. commercial as well open source simulators. In this article, we have emphasized on GloMo-sim simulator also for students to get a complete understanding about GloMo-sim. We have also developed nearly 1000+ projects using GloMo-sim simulator with the help of our versatile developers and dedicated professionals. With also a team size of 100+ skilled experts, we are here to serve you with all your queries regarding GloMosim-Simulator. You can also approach us anytime regarding GloMo-sim based projects/concepts/topics implementation support. We will also offer you our complete support and also guidance with an assurance of quality and standard in our work.
- GloMoSim[Global Mobile Information system simulator] also used to simulate wired and wireless networks
- Parallel discrete event simulation capability provide by also PARSEC[C based parallel simulation language]
- It is a library based sequential and parallel simulator also for wireless network
- Extensible and composable as new protocols and also modules can be programmed and added to its library
- Offers scalable network simulation environment also for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
- Used to simulate networks with up to thousand nodes linked by heterogeneous communication capability[which includes multi hop wireless communication also using adhoc networking, multicast, asymmetric communications using direst satellite broadcast and traditional Internet protocols]
- Uses parsec compiler to compile the simulation protocol
- It is a layered approach and also offers standard APIs
- Event scheduling takes place also using two types of Messages[Non packet message/ packet message]
- Visualization tool[offered also by Java GloMosim-makes it platform independent]
- Windows XP/7
- FreeBSD
- Fedora Linux
- Sun Solaris etc
Required software:
- Java with 2.0 and later versions
- Visual C++-visual studio
- Parsec compiler
Installing Parsec:
- Windows[Set Environmental variable]
- Path % path % ;c:\devstudio\vc\bin;
- c:\devstudio\sharedid\bin
- Set Include=c:\devstudio\vc\include
- Set LIB=c:\devstudio\vc\lib
In Unix:
- Run “make depend” to create a list of dependencies in Makefile
- Right path for the Parsec compiler must also specified in the Makefile for PAR variable
- Run “Make” also to create the executable
In Windows:
- Pre requisite[Java 2 / visual C++(Visual studio 6)]
- Set the environmental path
- Extract the GloMosim software also in the C directory
- Run Makent.exe file
To Compile and Run the program:
- To compile [prompt> makent MAC]
- In the Test[Go to directory glomosim/bin-> type “Glomosim config.bin”]
- To Run[./glomosim <inputfile>]
- Physical [Radio free space, Two-way propagation]
- Data Link(MAC)[CSMA,TSMA,MACA, also 802.11]
- Mobility[Random drunken, Random waypoint, Trace based]
- Radio Model[Noise accumulating]
- Network(Routing)[Bellman ford, OSPF,FSR, WRP,DSR,IR also with AODV,LAR scheme 1, Fisheye]
- Packet Reception Model[BER based with BPSK/QPSK Modulation, SNR bounded]
- Transport[TCP, UDP]
- Application[Telnet, FTP,CBR, HTTP]
- Used to simulate wireless networks[Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, Wireless sensor Networks, Adhoc Networks, also Wireless Mesh networks]
- Used in various simulators like NCTUNS 5.0 system simulator, FPGA based direct simulator and also graphical system simulator
- Offers scalable network environment also for Wi-Fi indicator networks
- In MANET[simulation of Manet Routing protocols, also battlefield or disaster recovery networks]
- Mesh Networks[also in Intelligent transportation system]
- Opportunistic Networks[Wildlife Monitoring system]
- Wireless Sensor Networks[Monitoring civilian applications, habitat and environmental monitoring also for scientific applications]
- Vehicular Ad hoc Network[Safety related application, also traffic management system]
Hope you would have got an idea about GloMosim Network Simulator. For further tutoring service on GloMo-sim based projects, assignments or lab sessions approach us for our expert’s service. Our expert’s are also available to serve you with their knowledge and expertise at 24/7 through our online tutoring services. Get our aid also to explore the field of Networking using GloMo-sim.