How do I Launch Ns2

Through this article, we have provided the steps that are essential to launch the process of network simulator 2.

Step: 1 Ns2 Download

Initially, we have to download the packages based on network simulator 2 through the below mentioned URL.

Link to Download Ns2

Step: 2 Installation of Ns2

Then, we have to install the downloaded Ns2 packages in Ubuntu through changing the location using below mentioned commands in Ubuntu terminal.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-2.35

Changing Location

sudo ./install

Step: 3 Launch Ns2

While completing the installation process, we have to copy and paste the executable ns files from the Ns2 folder to the workspace location or in the launch update process.

Step: 4 Execute Ns2 Main File

Then, we have to open the terminal and change the workspace location and implement the Tcl file through the execution of below mentioned commands.

cd /home/research/Desktop/NS2_Simulation

sudo ./ns Simulation_Main.tcl

Finally, we have highlighted the result which is acquired through the execution of Ns2 simulation.

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