How Much Time will it take for a Beginner to Learn Ns2 Simulator?

We are here to provide the complete research assistance to learn the significance of network simulator 2 mainly for the beginners. Let’s start with the short note about Ns2 simulator.

Time to Learn Ns2 Simulator

In general, network simulator 2 is defined as the open source event driven simulator in network simulation process. Learning Tcl is not a complicated task but learning OTcl and C++ linkages may take some additional time to understand the code.

Guide to Learn Ns2 Simulator

Here, we have highlighted some guidelines that are required to learn the Ns2 simulator.

  • Download Ns2 packages through the execution of below mentioned commands in Ubuntu terminal window

git clone

  • To install network simulator Ns2 in Ubuntu, we have to execute the below mentioned commands in terminal window

cd ns-allinone-2.35/

sudo ./install

  • Then, create Tcl simulation main file in the project workspace
  • To execute the main file in project workspace location, we have to implement the following commands

cd /home/project_location

sudo ./ns SimulationMain.tcl

To this end, we are ready to give suggestion on the stage where you face some difficulties and required assistance for your research.