How to Calculate Network Governance in NS2
To calculate the Network governance using NS2 that contains executing policies, rules, and processes to make certain that the network operates based on the predefined guidelines. It can be encompassed handing resources such as bandwidth, make sure Quality of Service (QoS), enforcing security policies, and observing node behaviour for compliance with governance standards. To compute and measure network governance within NS2, we require to replicate the network, describe the governance policies, observe compliance, and also evaluate the outcomes. We follow the given procedure on how to compute and replicate the Network Governance in NS2:
Steps to Simulate and Calculate Network Governance in NS2
- Set up the NS2 Simulation with Governance Monitoring
Initially, describe the network scenario that containing the network topology, traffic flows, and governance policies like bandwidth limits, access control, and security policies. We can be used the NS2’s trace file mechanism to log network activities that can later be examined to measure the governance compliance.
Example NS2 Script for Governance Monitoring
# Create NS2 simulator instance
set ns [new Simulator]
# Open trace file for logging network events
set tracefile [open w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile
# Define network nodes
set client [$ns node] ;# Client node
set gateway [$ns node] ;# Gateway node (policy enforcement)
set server [$ns node] ;# Server node
# Create duplex links between nodes
$ns duplex-link $client $gateway 1Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $gateway $server 1Mb 10ms DropTail
# Set up UDP traffic from client to server via gateway
set udp0 [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $client $udp0
set null0 [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $server $null0
$ns connect $udp0 $null0
set cbr0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr0 set packetSize_ 500
$cbr0 set interval_ 0.01
$cbr0 attach-agent $udp0
# Start and stop traffic
$ns at 0.5 “$cbr0 start”
$ns at 4.5 “$cbr0 stop”
# End simulation
$ns at 5.0 “finish”
proc finish {} {
global ns tracefile
$ns flush-trace
close $tracefile
exit 0
# Run the simulation
$ns run
- Trace File: The trace file records all network events for auditing and governance monitoring.
- Traffic Setup: UDP traffic is made from the client to the server via the gateway that governance policies are enforced.
- Simulation Logging: All network activities are logged in the trace file that will use to estimate the compliance with governance policies.
- Define Governance Policies
Describe the governance policies, which the network must comply with, containing:
- Bandwidth allocation: Make certain that nodes or links are do not exceed assigned the bandwidth limits.
- Access control: Describe which nodes are authorized to communicate.
- Quality of Service (QoS): Set thresholds for throughput, latency, and packet loss.
- Security enforcement: Make sure that only authorized nodes and protocols are used.
- Monitor Network Governance Metrics
The trace file captures all events, which happen during the simulation. By examining this trace file, we can be computed the key governance metrics like bandwidth usage, throughput, latency, packet loss, and unauthorized access.
- Calculate Key Governance Metrics
Bandwidth Governance
We can be applied and observe the bandwidth allocation to make certain that no node or link exceeds the predefined bandwidth limits.
Given below is an AWK script to calculate and verify for bandwidth violations:
awk ‘
if ($1 == “+” && $3 == “client”) { # Traffic sent from the client
total_bytes_sent += $6; # Sum the size of the transmitted packets
max_bandwidth = 1000000; # Maximum allowed bandwidth in bytes
if (total_bytes_sent > max_bandwidth) {
print “Bandwidth Governance Violated: Client exceeded bandwidth limit”;
} else {
print “Bandwidth Governance Maintained”;
This script computes the total traffic from the client and verifies whether it exceeds the bandwidth limit (e.g., 1 MB).
Throughput Governance
Throughput is an important part of the QoS governance. We can be computed the real throughput and compare it with the essential throughput to make certain compliance.
Here’s an AWK script to estimate throughput:
awk ‘
if ($1 == “r” && $3 == “server”) { # Packet received at the server
total_bytes_received += $6; # Sum the size of the received packets
required_throughput = 500000; # Required throughput in bytes/sec
actual_throughput = total_bytes_received / 5.0; # Divide by simulation time (5 seconds)
if (actual_throughput < required_throughput) {
print “Throughput Governance Violated: Actual throughput is”, actual_throughput, “bytes/sec”;
} else {
print “Throughput Governance Maintained: Actual throughput is”, actual_throughput, “bytes/sec”;
This script computes the actual throughput and compares it to the needed throughput (e.g., 500 KB/sec).
Latency Governance
Latency governance make sure that network latency remains in the acceptable bounds, specifically for time-sensitive applications.
Given below is an AWK script to compute average latency and verify for violations:
awk ‘
if ($1 == “+”) {
send_time[$7] = $2; # Record the time a packet is enqueued
if ($1 == “r” && $3 == “server”) {
if (send_time[$7] != “”) {
latency = $2 – send_time[$7]; # Calculate latency (receive time – send time)
total_latency += latency;
average_latency = total_latency / count;
max_allowed_latency = 0.02; # Maximum allowed latency in seconds (20 ms)
if (average_latency > max_allowed_latency) {
print “Latency Governance Violated: Average latency is”, average_latency, “seconds”;
} else {
print “Latency Governance Maintained: Average latency is”, average_latency, “seconds”;
This script computes the average latency and verifies if it exceeds the maximum permitted latency (e.g., 20 milliseconds).
Unauthorized Access Governance
Governance policies can include access control to ensure that only authorized nodes communicate with each other.
Here’s an AWK script to detect unauthorized access attempts:
awk ‘
if ($1 == “+” && $3 != “client” && $3 != “gateway”) { # Only the client and gateway should send traffic
if (unauthorized_access > 0) {
print “Unauthorized Access Detected”;
} else {
print “No Unauthorized Access”;
This script identifies any unauthorized traffic from nodes other than the client or gateway.
QoS Governance
For Quality of Service (QoS), we can describe the particular thresholds for throughput, latency, and packet loss for various kinds of traffic. If real-time traffic (e.g., UDP) does not meet these requirements then it violates the QoS governance.
The following is an AWK script to check if QoS requirements are being met:
awk ‘
if ($1 == “r” && $3 == “server” && $5 == “udp”) { # Real-time traffic (UDP)
real_time_bytes_received += $6; # Sum real-time traffic bytes
required_qos_throughput = 300000; # QoS throughput requirement in bytes/second
actual_real_time_throughput = real_time_bytes_received / 5.0;
if (actual_real_time_throughput < required_qos_throughput) {
print “QoS Governance Violated: Real-time traffic throughput is”, actual_real_time_throughput, “bytes/sec”;
} else {
print “QoS Governance Maintained”;
This script verifies whether real-time traffic throughput meets the QoS requirements.
- Visualize Governance Compliance
When we have computed the governance metrics then we can be visualized them to better understand how the network is following to governance policies.
Example Python Plot for Throughput Governance:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Example data for throughput over time
time = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5]
throughput = [400000, 450000, 470000, 480000, 490000, 500000, 520000, 530000, 540000] # Example throughput data (bytes/sec)
plt.plot(time, throughput, marker=’o’)
plt.title(‘Throughput Over Time’)
plt.xlabel(‘Time (seconds)’)
plt.ylabel(‘Throughput (bytes/sec)’)
To calculate network governance in NS2:
- Set up the simulation: We can be used the trace-all to log all network events.
- Define governance policies: Set thresholds for bandwidth usage, throughput, latency, access control, and QoS.
- Analyse the trace file: We can use the AWK scripts to estimate the compliance metrics like bandwidth, throughput, latency, and unauthorized access.
- Detect governance violations: Compare computed metrics versus predefined thresholds to identify any violations of governance policies.
- Visualize compliance: We can be used the tools such as Python or Excel to visualize the outcomes and evaluate network governance compliance over time.
To conclude, we had given appropriate insights and computation procedure to simulate and calculate the Network Governance through the simulation environment NS2. More informations will be offered based on your requirements. Please provide us with your parameter details, and we will help you conduct a performance analysis. We can implement tailored Network Governance within the NS2 tool to ensure the best outcomes for your project.