How to Calculate Network IP Address Management in NS2

To calculate and replicate the Network IP address management (IPAM) within NS2 that contains replicating the assignment, allocation, and usage of IP addresses in a network. IPAM is critical for make sure that effective address allocation, reducing conflicts, and enhancing the network performance. In the virtual environment NS2, IP addresses are abstracted via node identifiers instead of the real IP addresses, however we can be replicated the IP allocation, routing, and address conflict situations by tracing the node communication and mimicking the performance of the protocols such as DHCP or manual IP assignment. The following is a brief approach on how to compute and replicate the IPAM in NS2:

Steps to Simulate and Calculate IP Address Management in NS2

  1. Set Up NS2 Simulation with IP Assignment

NS2 does not explicitly manage the IP addresses by default; instead, nodes are denoted by single node identifiers. But, we can be mimicked IP management behaviour by allocating node identifiers as IP addresses and tracing the communication among nodes to replicate IP address usage.

Given below is an example NS2 script to mimic IP address allocation and management:

Example NS2 Script for Simulating IP Address Assignment

# Create NS2 simulator instance

set ns [new Simulator]

# Open trace file for logging network events

set tracefile [open w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

# Define network nodes (nodes will simulate IP address management)

set node1 [$ns node]  ;# Node 1 (simulating IP address

set node2 [$ns node]  ;# Node 2 (simulating IP address

set node3 [$ns node]  ;# Node 3 (simulating IP address

# Assign IP-like addresses manually (using comments to simulate)

# Node1 ->

# Node2 ->

# Node3 ->

# Create duplex links between nodes

$ns duplex-link $node1 $node2 1Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $node2 $node3 1Mb 10ms DropTail

# Set up UDP agents to simulate communication between nodes

set udp1 [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $node1 $udp1

set udp2 [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $node2 $udp2

$ns connect $udp1 $udp2

set udp3 [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $node3 $udp3

$ns connect $udp2 $udp3

# Set up CBR traffic to simulate node-to-node communication (IP management usage)

set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr1 set packetSize_ 500

$cbr1 set interval_ 0.5  ;# Regular communication between nodes

$cbr1 attach-agent $udp1

# Start traffic simulation

$ns at 0.5 “$cbr1 start”

$ns at 4.5 “$cbr1 stop”

# End simulation at 5 seconds

$ns at 5.0 “finish”

proc finish {} {

global ns tracefile

$ns flush-trace

close $tracefile

exit 0


# Run the simulation

$ns run


  • IP Address Simulation: IP addresses are signified by node identifiers (node1, node2, node3), and every node replicates a single IP address.
  • Links and Traffic: Communication is configure among the nodes to replicate IP address management, like routing traffic among various “IP addresses.”
  • Traffic Flow: Constant Bit Rate (CBR) traffic mimics communication among the nodes that denoting regular communication among IP addresses.
  1. Simulating IP Address Allocation Mechanisms

Manual IP Assignment Simulation

In this script, IP addresses are allocated physically by mimicking the particular IP address ranges (e.g., 192.168.1.x) for each node. We can be traced the node communication to make sure that there are no IP address conflicts (i.e., two nodes using the same IP address).

Dynamic IP Assignment (DHCP-like Behaviour)

If we require to replicate dynamic IP address assignment (like DHCP) then we can make a “DHCP server” node, which dynamically allots IP addresses to nodes upon connecting the network. It encompasses making a protocol in which nodes are request IP addresses from the server, and the server responds with obtainable IP addresses.

  1. Monitor IP Address Usage and Conflicts

In NS2, we can be observed the trace file to replicate and identify IP address conflicts (where two nodes might use the same IP). For instance, if two nodes are attempts to communicate using the similar identifier (simulated IP) then we can be logged it as an IP conflict.

  1. Calculate IP Address Utilization and Conflicts

IP Address Allocation

We can track that nodes have been allotted IP addresses and how these addresses are used over time. By examining the trace file, we can compute how efficiently IP addresses are assigned and whether any IP addresses are underutilized or overused.

Given below is an AWK script to track IP address (node) communication and compute usage:

awk ‘


if ($1 == “+” && $3 == “node1”) {  # Communication from node1 (IP

ip1_comm += $6;  # Track traffic sent by node1


if ($1 == “+” && $3 == “node2”) {  # Communication from node2 (IP

ip2_comm += $6;


if ($1 == “+” && $3 == “node3”) {  # Communication from node3 (IP

ip3_comm += $6;




print “Traffic from IP (node1):”, ip1_comm, “bytes”;

print “Traffic from IP (node2):”, ip2_comm, “bytes”;

print “Traffic from IP (node3):”, ip3_comm, “bytes”;


This script computes the traffic generated by every node (IP address) to observe how each IP address is used during the simulation.

IP Address Conflicts

To identify the IP conflicts (two nodes using the same IP address), we can be mimicked a situation in which numerous nodes are erroneously allocated the similar node identifier. The AWK script can help detect it by verifying for duplicate communication identifiers in the trace file.

Here’s an AWK script to identify the IP address conflicts (simulated by multiple nodes using the same identifier):

awk ‘


if ($1 == “+” && $3 == “node1” && $3 == “node2”) {  # Detect conflict if both nodes use the same IP





if (ip_conflict > 0) {

print “IP Address Conflict Detected”;

} else {

print “No IP Address Conflict Detected”;



This script verifies for duplicate IP usage by replicating a conflict among node1 and node2.

  1. Monitor IP Address Lifespan

If we are mimicking dynamic IP allocation (like DHCP) then we can trace the lifespan of an IP address (how long a node retains its assigned IP). By observing how long each node communicates using a specific IP address, then we can be estimated the average IP lifespan.

Here’s an AWK script to evaluate the lifespan of IP addresses:

awk ‘


if ($1 == “+” && $3 == “node1”) {  # Node1 starts communication

if (ip1_start == 0) { ip1_start = $2; }  # Record the start time of communication

ip1_end = $2;  # Continuously update end time


if ($1 == “+” && $3 == “node2”) {

if (ip2_start == 0) { ip2_start = $2; }

ip2_end = $2;


if ($1 == “+” && $3 == “node3”) {

if (ip3_start == 0) { ip3_start = $2; }

ip3_end = $2;




print “IP Address Lifespan:”, ip1_end – ip1_start, “seconds”;

print “IP Address Lifespan:”, ip2_end – ip2_start, “seconds”;

print “IP Address Lifespan:”, ip3_end – ip3_start, “seconds”;


This script computes the duration for each node (IP address) was active by logging the initial and terminus times of communication.

  1. Visualize IP Address Utilization

We can be used the tools such as Python (matplotlib) to envision IP address utilization over the time or IP address conflict situations.

Example Python Plot for IP Address Utilization:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Example data for IP address usage

ips = [‘’, ‘’, ‘’]

traffic = [500000, 700000, 600000]  # Traffic in bytes, traffic)

plt.title(‘IP Address Utilization’)

plt.xlabel(‘IP Addresses’)

plt.ylabel(‘Traffic (bytes)’)


To assess the network IP address management in NS2:

  1. Set up the simulation: Allocate the nodes to replicate IP addresses also trace their communication.
  2. Monitor IP address usage: Monitor traffic from each node to replicate how IP addresses are utilized.
  3. Simulate IP allocation: Physically allocate the IPs or mimic dynamic IP allocation (like DHCP).
  4. Detect conflicts: We can be used scripts to identify IP conflicts if numerous nodes are use the similar identifier.
  5. Calculate IP lifespan: Track how long each node keeps its IP address during the simulation.
  6. Visualize results: We can use the tools such as Python to plot IP utilization and conflicts.

As demonstrated above, we explained the stepwise procedure to compute and simulate the Network IP Address Management that includes replicating the assignment, allocation, and usage of IP addresses in a network using NS2 tool. Likewise, we will present more insights on this topic as per your requirements.

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