How to Calculate Network Link success rate NS2

To calculate the network link success rate using NS2 (Network Simulator 2), we commonly estimate how many packets are effectively sent among the two nodes are compared to the total number of packets are transmitted. It is normally stated as a percentage that denoting the proportion of well delivered packets to the total sent packets over a network link. We provide stepwise computation to calculate the network link success rate in NS2:

Steps to Calculate Link Success Rate in NS2

  1. Set Up the Simulation: Initially, configure a simple simulation in which two nodes are communicate over a network link. We can be used various traffic models such as TCP, UDP, or CBR (Constant Bit Rate) for packet transmission.
  2. Generate a Trace File: Permit the generation of a trace file within NS2, which logs packet-level information, containing when packets are sent, received, or dropped.
  3. Extract Packet Sent and Received Information: From the trace file, we want to extract:
    • Packets Sent: Count the number of packets are transmitted from the source node.
    • Packets Received: Count the number of packets well received at the end node.
  4. Calculate Success Rate: The link success rate can estimate using the below formula:

Success Rate (%)=(Packets ReceivedPackets Sent)×100\text{Success Rate (\%)} = \left( \frac{\text{Packets Received}}{\text{Packets Sent}} \right) \times 100Success Rate (%)=(Packets SentPackets Received​)×100

Example Tcl Script for NS2 Simulation:

Given below is an example of a simple NS2 simulation script, which logs the communication among two nodes using UDP.

# Create a new simulator instance

set ns [new Simulator]

# Open trace file to record packet-level events

set tracefile [open w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

# Set up two nodes

set node1 [$ns node]

set node2 [$ns node]

# Define UDP agents and attach them to nodes

set udp [new Agent/UDP]

set null [new Agent/Null]

$ns attach-agent $node1 $udp

$ns attach-agent $node2 $null

# Connect the nodes

$ns connect $udp $null

# Define traffic source (CBR)

set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr attach-agent $udp

$cbr set packetSize_ 512

$cbr set rate_ 1Mb

# Schedule the traffic start and stop times

$ns at 1.0 “$cbr start”

$ns at 4.0 “$cbr stop”

$ns at 5.0 “finish”

# Define finish procedure

proc finish {} {

global ns tracefile

$ns flush-trace

close $tracefile

exit 0


# Run the simulation

$ns run

Processing the Trace File to Calculate Success Rate:

  1. Identify Sent and Received Packets:
    • Sent packets are marked with s in the trace file.
    • Received packets are marked with r in the trace file.

Each line in the trace file looks something like this:

s 0.5 _1_ AGT — 512 [0 0 0 0] ——- [1:0 2:0 32 0]

r 0.6 _2_ AGT — 512 [0 0 0 0] ——- [1:0 2:0 32 0]

  1. Count Packets Sent and Received: We can be used the grep and awk to extort the number of sent and received packets from the trace file.

# Count packets sent by node1

grep “^s” | grep “_1_” | wc -l

# Count packets received by node2

grep “^r” | grep “_2_” | wc -l

  1. Calculate Success Rate: When we have the number of sent and received packets then computes the link success rate using the below formula:

success_rate = (packets_received / packets_sent) * 100

Example of Success Rate Calculation in Bash:

# Count packets sent from node1

packets_sent=$(grep “^s” | grep “_1_” | wc -l)

# Count packets received at node2

packets_received=$(grep “^r” | grep “_2_” | wc -l)

# Calculate success rate

if [ $packets_sent -gt 0 ]; then

success_rate=$(echo “scale=2; ($packets_received / $packets_sent) * 100” | bc)

echo “Link Success Rate: $success_rate%”


echo “No packets were sent.”


Summary of Calculation:

  • Packets Sent: Count the packets, which have been sent from the source node.
  • Packets Received: Count the packets that have effectively attained the end node.
  • Success Rate: We can be used the below formula (Packets Received/Packets Sent) ×100(\text{Packets Received} / \text{Packets Sent}) \times 100(Packets Received/Packets Sent)×100 to get the percentage of successfully delivered packets.

As above, we successfully deliver the significant concepts and basic procedure to calculate the Network Link success rate within the simulation platform NS2. For further analysis, we will be shared the informations according to your requirements. Get best project ideas so we provide you with implementation support. We can assist you with calculating the Network Link success rate (NS2) tool for your projects.