How to Calculate Network Service Rate in NS2

To calculate the Network Service Rate in NS2 has usually defined to the rate at which the network processes or assists data packets. It is frequently used in the context of queuing theory or network performance analysis that denotes on how fast the packets are served that is transferred or forwarded by a node, router, or the entire network.

To calculate the service rate, we can track on how many packets are successfully routed (or processed) by a network node in excess of a period of time. The service rate is normally evaluated in packets per second (pps) or bits per second (bps).

Here a procedure to calculate the simple network service rate in ns2:

Steps to Calculate Network Service Rate in NS2

  1. Generate the Trace File

Initially, ensure that NS2 creates a trace file that logs packet events like transmission, reception, and drops. We can permit trace generation in NS2 script with the following command:

set tracefile [open w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

The trace file will log events such as:

  • +: Packet sent.
  • r: Packet received.
  • d: Packet dropped.
  1. Identify Transmission Events

The service rate can be estimated by summing up the number of packets that are effectively transferred over a certain period. In the trace file, the + symbol denoted a packet being sent.

Here’s an example of a trace line:

+ 0.12345 0 1 tcp 1040 ——- [0 0 1 0] ——- [1:0 0:0 32 0] [0] 0 0

In this line:

  • +: Indicates a packet transmission event.
  • 0.12345: Time of the event (in seconds).
  • 1040: Packet size in bytes.
  1. Calculate Service Rate Based on Packets Processed

The service rate in terms of packets per second (pps) is estimated by summing up how many packets were successfully routed over a given period of time.

AWK Script to Calculate Service Rate in Packets per Second:

awk ‘{

if ($1 == “+”) {  # Count all packet transmission events



} END {

simulation_time = 100.0;  # Replace with your simulation time in seconds

service_rate_pps = transmitted_packets / simulation_time;  # Packets per second

print “Service Rate: ” service_rate_pps ” packets per second”;


This script:

  • Counts the number of packet transmission events (+).
  • Divides by the total simulation time to estimate the service rate in packets per second (pps).
  1. Calculate Service Rate in Bits per Second (bps)

If we prefer to estimate the service rate in bits per second (bps), we can calculation the size of the transmitted packets and divide by the total simulation time.

AWK Script to Calculate Service Rate in Bits per Second:

awk ‘{

if ($1 == “+”) {  # Only consider packet transmission events

total_bytes += $6;  # $6 is the packet size in bytes


} END {

simulation_time = 100.0;  # Replace with your simulation time in seconds

service_rate_bps = total_bytes * 8 / simulation_time;  # Convert bytes to bits

print “Service Rate: ” service_rate_bps ” bps”;


This script:

  • Sums the total size of transmitted packets in bytes.
  • Multiplies by 8 to convert bytes to bits.
  • Divides by the total simulation time to estimate the service rate in bits per second (bps).
  1. Calculate Time-Windowed Service Rate

To evaluate on how the service rate variations over time (for instance, in different time windows), we can estimate the service rate within certain intervals, like every second.

AWK Script for Time-Windowed Service Rate:

awk ‘{

if ($1 == “+”) {

interval = int($2);  # Group events by time intervals (in seconds)



} END {

for (interval in packet_count) {

print “Time Interval: ” interval “, Service Rate: ” packet_count[interval] ” packets per second”;



This script:

  • Groups transmission events by time intervals (1-second intervals).
  • Prints the service rate (packets per second) for each time interval.
  1. Consider Different Traffic Types

In some simulations, we need to estimate the service rate for explicit traffic types such as TCP or UDP or for exact flows among source and destination nodes. We can filter the trace file to estimate the service rate for certain flows.

For instance, to estimate the service rate for TCP packets among node 0 and node 1:

AWK Script for Service Rate of Specific Flows:

awk ‘{

if ($1 == “+” && $4 == “tcp” && $2 == 0 && $3 == 1) {  # Transmission from node 0 to node 1



} END {

simulation_time = 100.0;  # Replace with your simulation time in seconds

service_rate_pps = transmitted_packets / simulation_time;

print “Service Rate for TCP flow 0 -> 1: ” service_rate_pps ” packets per second”;


This will deliver the service rate in packets per second for the TCP flow from node 0 to node 1.

  1. Interpret the Results
  • Service Rate (pps): The rate at which the network is processing packets, evaluated in packets per second (pps).
  • Service Rate (bps): The rate at which data is being processed in the network, evaluated in bits per second (bps).

A higher service rate signifies that the network is processing data efficiently, although a lower service rate recommends congestion or latency in the network.

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