How to Implement Artificial Intelligence Networks in ns2

To implement the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Networks within NS2 has contains mimicking a network in which the nodes are use AI algorithms for decision-making, routing, and data processing. It can be contained using AI for tasks such as dynamic routing, anomaly detection, load balancing, or optimizing network performance. The simulator NS2 is mainly a network simulation tool, thus we incorporating the AI normally that encompasses to making the custom protocols or using external scripts to mimic AI behaviors.

Given below is a step-by-step procedure to executing a simple AI-driven network scenario in NS2:

Step-by-Step Implementations:

  1. Understand AI Network Components:
  • AI Nodes: These nodes which have AI capabilities, like decision-making based on the machine learning models.
  • Data Processing: Artificial Intelligence nodes may act the tasks such as data classification, anomaly detection, or predictive routing.
  • Dynamic Routing: We can use the AI algorithms to enhance the routing paths based on network conditions.
  1. Set Up the NS2 Environment:
  • Make sure NS2 is installed on the system.
  • Acquaint ourselves including writing TCL scripts, while the NS2 simulations are controlled through the TCL.
  1. Define the Network Topology:
  • We can make the nodes that denote AI-driven devices in the network.

# Define the simulator

set ns [new Simulator]

# Create a trace file for analysis

set tracefile [open w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

# Create a NAM file for animation

set namfile [open out.nam w]

$ns namtrace-all-wireless $namfile 10

# Set up the network parameters

set opt(chan)   Channel/WirelessChannel      ;# Wireless channel for AI nodes

set opt(prop)   Propagation/TwoRayGround     ;# Propagation model

set opt(netif)  Phy/WirelessPhy              ;# Network interface type

set opt(mac)    Mac/802_11                   ;# MAC type for wireless communication

set opt(ifq)    Queue/DropTail/PriQueue      ;# Interface queue type

set opt(ll)     LL                           ;# Link layer type

set opt(ant)    Antenna/OmniAntenna          ;# Antenna model

set opt(ifqlen) 50                           ;# Queue size

set opt(x)      1000                         ;# X dimension of the topography

set opt(y)      1000                         ;# Y dimension of the topography

set opt(adhocRouting) AODV                   ;# Ad hoc routing protocol

# Create a topography object

create-god 10

# Configure the nodes (e.g., AI nodes)

$ns node-config -adhocRouting $opt(adhocRouting) \

-llType $opt(ll) \

-macType $opt(mac) \

-ifqType $opt(ifq) \

-ifqLen $opt(ifqlen) \

-antType $opt(ant) \

-propType $opt(prop) \

-phyType $opt(netif) \

-channelType $opt(chan) \

-topoInstance $topo \

-agentTrace ON \

-routerTrace ON \

-macTrace OFF \

-movementTrace ON

# Create AI nodes

set ai_node1 [$ns node]  ;# AI Node 1

set ai_node2 [$ns node]  ;# AI Node 2

set ai_node3 [$ns node]  ;# AI Node 3

set ai_node4 [$ns node]  ;# AI Node 4

# Set initial positions for the nodes

$ai_node1 set X_ 200.0

$ai_node1 set Y_ 300.0

$ai_node1 set Z_ 0.0

$ai_node2 set X_ 400.0

$ai_node2 set Y_ 300.0

$ai_node2 set Z_ 0.0

$ai_node3 set X_ 600.0

$ai_node3 set Y_ 300.0

$ai_node3 set Z_ 0.0

$ai_node4 set X_ 800.0

$ai_node4 set Y_ 300.0

$ai_node4 set Z_ 0.0

  1. Integrate AI Algorithms:
  • In this simulator NS2, AI algorithms are normally executed exterior the core simulation, then their outcomes are fed back into the simulation. It can be complete by incorporating external scripts or using the AI-driven decision-making in the custom routing protocols.

Option 1: External AI Script Integration

  • We can use an external Python or MATLAB script to mimic the AI decision-making, and handle the network behaviour by passing data among the simulator NS2 and the script.

# Example to call an external Python script for AI decision making

proc run_ai_algorithm {node1 node2} {

global ns

set decision [exec python3 $node1 $node2]

puts “AI decision for nodes $node1 and $node2: $decision”

$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$node1 send_packet_to $node2 based_on $decision”


# Schedule AI algorithm run

$ns at 2.0 “run_ai_algorithm $ai_node1 $ai_node2”

Option 2: Custom AI Routing Protocol

  • To improve a custom routing protocol within NS2 where mimics AI-based decision-making for routing.

# Example of a simple AI-driven routing decision

proc ai_routing {src dst} {

global ns

# AI logic to decide the next hop or path

set next_hop [expr rand() * 3 + 1] ;# Simplified AI decision (random)

puts “AI decides next hop for $src to $dst: $next_hop”

$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$src send_packet_to $next_hop”


# Implement AI-driven routing for data transmission

$ns at 3.0 “ai_routing $ai_node1 $ai_node3”

$ns at 4.0 “ai_routing $ai_node2 $ai_node4”

  1. Simulate Data Transmission Based on AI Decisions:
  • We can use the AI decisions to manage the flow of data among the nodes.

# AI Node 1 sends data to AI Node 3 based on AI routing decision

set tcp_ai_node1 [new Agent/TCP]

$ns attach-agent $ai_node1 $tcp_ai_node1

set tcp_ai_node3_sink [new Agent/TCPSink]

$ns attach-agent $ai_node3 $tcp_ai_node3_sink

$ns connect $tcp_ai_node1 $tcp_ai_node3_sink

# Start sending data from AI Node 1 to AI Node 3

set app_ai_node1 [new Application/FTP]

$app_ai_node1 attach-agent $tcp_ai_node1

$ns at 5.0 “$app_ai_node1 start”

  1. Implement Adaptive or Learning Mechanisms:
  • To execute the adaptive or learning mechanisms in which the network modifies their behaviour based on the AI analysis of the network performance.

# Example of adaptive routing based on AI analysis

proc adaptive_ai_routing {src dst} {

global ns

# AI logic to adapt routing based on previous performance

set performance_metric [expr rand()] ;# Simulated performance metric

if {$performance_metric > 0.5} {

puts “AI adapts route for $src to $dst based on performance”

$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$src send_packet_to $dst with_optimized_route”

} else {

puts “AI maintains current route for $src to $dst”

$ns at [expr $ns now + 0.1] “$src send_packet_to $dst with_current_route”



# Schedule adaptive routing

$ns at 6.0 “adaptive_ai_routing $ai_node1 $ai_node4”

  1. Run the Simulation:
  • We describe while the simulation would end and then we run it. The final process will close the trace files and introduce the NAM for visualization.

# Define the finish procedure

proc finish {} {

global ns tracefile namfile

$ns flush-trace

close $tracefile

close $namfile

exec nam out.nam &

exit 0


# Schedule the finish procedure at 20 seconds

$ns at 20.0 “finish”

# Run the simulation

$ns run

  1. Analyse the Results:
  • We can use the trace file ( to examine the data transmission, routing efficiency, and the influence of AI decisions.
  • We open the NAM file (out.nam) to visualize the network operations and monitor the communications among the AI nodes.
  1. Customize and Extend:
  • We can modify the simulation by:
    • Enlarging the number of nodes to emulate the further difficult AI network.
    • To executing the furthered AI scenarios, like real-time decision-making, machine learning-driven routing, or predictive maintenance.
    • Mimicking various scenarios, like changing the network loads, dynamic environments, or malicious attacks, then to check the robustness of the AI network.

Example Summary:

This instance sets up is a simple AI-driven network simulation within the simulator NS2 that concentrating on incorporating the AI decision-making with network operations. The emulation establishes how AI algorithms can use in a network to control routing, data transmission, and adaptive behaviours.

Advanced Considerations:

  • For further difficult scenarios, we deliberate the incorporating NS2 with specified the AI/ML tools such as TensorFlow or PyTorch, and emerging the custom modules to mimic the AI-driven network operations.
  • To expand the emulation to contain furthered such as Quality of Service (QoS) management, security like encryption, authentication, or AI-based network orchestration.

Debugging and Optimization:

  • We can use the trace-all command to debug the simulation and evaluate the packet flows.
  • To enhance the simulation by refining AI algorithms, modifying decision-making logic, and fine-tuning network parameters for well performance and efficiency.

We applied a sequential procedure to the Artificial Intelligence Networks which was then implemented and evaluated using the simulation tool ns2. We will present comprehensive details regarding this networks according to your requirements.

Our team comprises leading experts dedicated to the implementation of Artificial Intelligence within the NS2 tool. Contact us to achieve exceptional results.