How to Implement E Commerce Security in NS2

To implement the E-Commerce Security in Network Simulator 2 (NS2) require a simulation of e-commerce environment that contains clients, web servers, databases and routers. It is aim on guarding transactions, defending sensitive data (like personal information, payment details) and shielding from cyber threats includes man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, data leaks and Denial of Services (DoS) attacks. We have to execute security measures like encryption, authentication, digital signatures, and intrusion detection systems (IDS). Here is a structured procedure to guide you through the implementation of E-commerce Security using ns2:

Steps to Implement E-Commerce Security in NS2:

  1. Set Up NS2

Make certain that NS2 is installed and configured properly. NS2 is mostly a network simulator, so it doesn’t directly simulate higher-level e-commerce protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, or database operations, it can mimic the underlying network infrastructure used by an e-commerce system.

  1. Define the E-Commerce Network Topology

In an e-commerce system, clients (users) communicate with a web server, which communicates with a backend database server. Routers links the servers and clients, simulating the network infrastructure for an online e-commerce platform.

Example: Define e-commerce network topology

set ns [new Simulator]

# Create nodes representing clients, web servers, database servers, and routers

set client1 [$ns node]

set client2 [$ns node]

set web_server [$ns node]

set db_server [$ns node]

set router1 [$ns node]

set router2 [$ns node]

# Set up communication links between clients, web servers, and database servers

$ns duplex-link $client1 $router1 1Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $client2 $router2 1Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $router1 $web_server 10Mb 5ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $router2 $web_server 10Mb 5ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $web_server $db_server 100Mb 2ms DropTail

In this topology, clients interact with the e-commerce web server, which interacts with a backend database for processing transactions and recording data.

  1. Simulate E-Commerce Transactions

Imitate a data interchanges amongst clients and the web server to indicate e-commerce transactions like browsing, including items to a cart, and making payments. The web server can then query the database for transaction information.

Example: Simulate data transmission between clients and web servers

# Set up TCP agents for communication between clients and the web server

set tcp1 [new Agent/TCP]

set tcp2 [new Agent/TCP]

set tcp_web_server [new Agent/TCP]

set tcp_db_server [new Agent/TCP]

$ns attach-agent $client1 $tcp1

$ns attach-agent $client2 $tcp2

$ns attach-agent $web_server $tcp_web_server

$ns attach-agent $db_server $tcp_db_server

# Connect clients to the web server and the web server to the database

$ns connect $tcp1 $tcp_web_server

$ns connect $tcp2 $tcp_web_server

$ns connect $tcp_web_server $tcp_db_server

# Simulate a client (client1) requesting a product from the web server

set ftp1 [new Application/FTP]

$ftp1 attach-agent $tcp1

$ns at 1.0 “$ftp1 start”

$ns at 50.0 “$ftp1 stop”

In this sample, the client interacts with the web server, denoting a product search or purchase request in an e-commerce platform.

  1. Implement Security Mechanisms (Encryption, Authentication, etc.)

Securing e-commerce transactions is vital to guarding user data and financial information. Execute features like encryption to defend data in transit, validation to certify user identity, and digital signatures to make sure data integrity.

  1. Encryption

Encrypting communication amongst clients and the web server makes certain that sensitive information such as payment details remains private.

# Define encryption and decryption procedures

proc encrypt_message {message key} {

set encrypted_message “”

for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $message]} {incr i} {

set encrypted_message [string append $encrypted_message \

[expr [scan [string index $message $i] %c] ^ $key]]


return $encrypted_message


proc decrypt_message {encrypted_message key} {

return [encrypt_message $encrypted_message $key]  ;# XOR encryption is reversible


# Encrypt data before sending it from client1 to the web server

set message “Transaction: Buy Product”

set key 12345  ;# Example encryption key

set encrypted_msg [encrypt_message $message $key]

puts “Encrypted message: $encrypted_msg”

  1. Authentication

Authentication ensures that only authorized users can access the e-commerce platform. You can simulate this by demanding a key or password for clients to access the web server.

# Simple authentication procedure for clients

proc authenticate_user {client key} {

set pre_shared_key 99999  ;# Example pre-shared key for authentication

if {$key == $pre_shared_key} {

puts “Client $client authenticated”

return 1

} else {

puts “Client $client authentication failed”

return 0



# Authenticate client1

set user_key 99999

set auth_status [authenticate_user “client1” $user_key]

  1. Digital Signatures

Make sure the data integrity, checking that data has not been modified during transmission by using digital signatures.

# Simulate signing a message (transaction) with a digital signature

proc sign_message {message private_key} {

return [encrypt_message $message $private_key]  ;# Simplified signature process


# Simulate verifying a signed message with a public key

proc verify_signature {signed_message public_key} {

return [decrypt_message $signed_message $public_key]


# Example usage

set private_key 67890

set public_key 67890

set signed_transaction [sign_message “Transaction data” $private_key]

set verified_transaction [verify_signature $signed_transaction $public_key]

puts “Verified transaction: $verified_transaction”

  1. Simulate Cybersecurity Attacks

E-commerce systems are targets for a multiplicity of cyber threats like man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, denial of service (DoS) attacks, and unauthorized access tries. Simulating these attacks helps examine the robustness of security mechanisms.

  1. Simulate Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attack on E-Commerce Transactions

In an MITM attack, an attacker intercepts communication amongst a client and the web server to snip sensitive information including payment details.

# Simulate an attacker intercepting communication between client1 and the web server

proc simulate_mitm_attack {attacker target} {

global ns

puts “Attacker intercepting data from $target”


# MITM attack between client1 and web server

$ns at 10.0 “simulate_mitm_attack $attacker $client1”

  1. Simulate Denial of Service (DoS) Attack on the E-Commerce Web Server

A DoS attack floods the web server with traffic, interfering legitimate transactions.

# Set up a malicious node to simulate a DoS attack on the web server

set attacker [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $attacker

$ns connect $attacker $web_server

# Simulate flooding the web server with traffic (DoS attack)

proc simulate_dos_attack {attacker target} {

global ns

for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {

$ns at [expr 1.0 + $i*0.01] “$attacker send”



# Launch the DoS attack on the web server

$ns at 20.0 “simulate_dos_attack $attacker $web_server”

  1. Implement Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) observes the network for abnormal activities like unauthorized access attempts or excessive traffic. In an e-commerce environment, the IDS can identify capable security leaks and initiate appropriate reactions.

Example: Simple IDS to detect abnormal traffic

# IDS to monitor traffic for anomalies (e.g., DoS attack detection)

proc detect_dos_attack {packet_count threshold} {

if {$packet_count > $threshold} {

puts “DoS attack detected!”

} else {

puts “Traffic is normal.”



# Monitor traffic and detect DoS attack

set packet_count 1500  ;# Example packet count

detect_dos_attack $packet_count 1000

  1. Collect and Analyze Traffic Data

Allow tracing in NS2 to aggregate network traffic data for assessing security weaknesses, identifying anomalies, and computing network performance.

Enable tracing to collect traffic data

# Enable trace file to log e-commerce network traffic

set tracefile [open w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

The trace file logs packet transmission events like send, receive, and drop, along with timestamps, node information, and packet sizes.

  1. Block Malicious Nodes

If an attack is spotted (e.g., DoS or MITM), congest the malicious node to prevent further damage to the e-commerce system.

Example: Blocking the attacker after detecting a DoS attack

# Block the attacker node after detecting an attack

proc block_attacker {attacker} {

global ns

puts “Blocking attacker node $attacker due to malicious activity.”

$ns detach-agent $attacker


# Block the attacker after detecting DoS attack

$ns at 50.0 “block_attacker $attacker”

  1. Run the Simulation and Analyze Results

Execute the NS2 simulation to estimate how the e-commerce system performs under normal conditions and during attacks, and measure the effectiveness of the security functionalities.

Finalize and run the simulation

proc finish {} {

global ns tracefile

$ns flush-trace

close $tracefile

puts “Simulation finished. Analyze the trace file for results.”

exit 0


# Schedule the end of the simulation

$ns at 100.0 “finish”

$ns run

  1. Analyze Trace Data

After the simulation is complete, analyze the trace file to estimate network performance and security. You can use Python or other tools to process and analyze the trace data.

Example: Analyze the trace file using Python

import pandas as pd

# Function to parse NS2 trace file and extract relevant fields

def parse_trace_file(trace_file):

data = []

with open(trace_file, ‘r’) as f:

for line in f:

fields = line.strip().split()

event, time, node, packet_size, flow_id, src, dest = fields[:7]

data.append([time, node, packet_size, src, dest])

return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[‘time’, ‘node’, ‘packet_size’, ‘src’, ‘dest’])

# Load and parse the trace data

trace_data = parse_trace_file(‘’)


The given approach has the expanded manual that will help you to get started with the configuration of network topology and establishment of security mechanisms to implement the E commerce Security in the ns2 simulator and also offers sample snippets including evaluation process.

We put in place security features such as encryption, authentication, digital signatures, and intrusion detection systems while offering useful project ideas. If you need help with different types of E-Commerce security using the NS2 tool, reach out to