How to Implement Network Buffer Management in NS2

To implement the Network Buffer Management using NS2, which contains altering how packets are queued and processed at every single node, particularly such as prioritizing, dropping, or scheduling them rely on obtainable buffer space. An appropriate buffer management supports in enhancing overall network performance, avoiding the congestion, and make sure Quality of Service (QoS). We presented below is a simplified techniques for executing the Network buffer management within NS2:

Step-by-Step Process for Implementing Network Buffer Management in NS2:

  1. Understand Buffer Management Basics:
  • Buffer: Every node within NS2 has a buffer (queue) in which packets are stored temporarily before being transmitted.
  • Queue Management: Packets are append to and detached from the buffer according to a queuing policy (e.g., FIFO, DropTail, RED).
  • Buffer Management: It includes describing the policies for handling packet storage, and containing while to receive or drop packets, rely on buffer occupancy.
  1. NS2 Queue Structure:
  • The simulation platform NS2 uses various kinds of queues like DropTail (simple FIFO queue) and RED (Random Early Detection). This queue metrics are described in the scripts OTcl, when the performance of the queues is executed in C++.
  • DropTail queues rejects the packets while the buffer is full, when RED launches previously packet drops to avoid congestion.
  1. Identify Queue Module for Modification:
  • The Queue class is the essential of the buffer management. We can alter the performance of the queues by expanding this class or changing existing queue executions (such as DropTail or RED).
  • The simulation framework NS2 is delivers predefined queues that were executed in the below C++ files:
    • Core queue logic.
    • DropTail queue implementation.
    • RED queue implementation.
  1. Modify or Extend Existing Queue Class:
  • To execute the custom buffer management, we can alter an existing queue (like DropTail) or make a new queue class with furthered buffer management features.

Example: Modify DropTail Queue (

  • Here, append the logic to observe the queue size and execute various policies, like prioritizing particular kinds of traffic or dropping packets according to the QoS requirements.

void DropTail::recv(Packet* p, Handler* h) {

if (q_->length() < qlim_) {

// Enqueue the packet if the queue is not full


} else {

// Implement buffer management here




void DropTail::handleBufferOverflow(Packet* p) {

// Custom buffer management: Drop based on packet type or priority

hdr_ip* iph = hdr_ip::access(p);

if (iph->prio() > 5) {  // Priority-based packet drop

drop(p);  // Drop low-priority packets

} else {

drop_head();  // Drop head of the queue

enqueue(p);  // Add the new packet



In this instance, we prioritize dropping packets rely on an important field within the packet header. If the priority is lesser than a threshold then the packet is fell to free up space.

  1. Implement Custom Buffer Management Logic:
  • We can be executed various buffer management algorithms, like:
    • Priority Queueing: Prioritize packets depends on its kind or QoS requirements.
    • Random Early Detection (RED): Launch a random packet drops before the buffer is occupied to prevent the congestion.
    • Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ): Assign buffer space rely on traffic types.
    • Drop Head/Tail: Select to drop packets from the head or tail of the queue.

Example: Implement Priority Queueing:

  • Change the queue to prioritize multimedia packets (e.g., RTP traffic) across various kinds of the packets for instance we can be dropped the low-priority traffic first when the buffer is full.

void DropTail::handleBufferOverflow(Packet* p) {

hdr_ip* iph = hdr_ip::access(p);

if (isMultimediaPacket(iph)) {

drop_head();  // Drop packets at the head if multimedia traffic arrives

enqueue(p);  // Enqueue multimedia packet

} else {

drop(p);  // Drop non-multimedia packets



bool isMultimediaPacket(hdr_ip* iph) {

return iph->dport() == RTP_PORT || iph->sport() == RTP_PORT;  // Example for RTP packets


This execution prioritizes multimedia traffic (e.g., RTP) and when the buffer is full, drops lower-priority packets.

  1. Modify OTcl Script for Buffer Configuration:
  • In the OTcl script, we can setup the kind of queue used by every node and identify these metrics, like the maximum queue length (buffer size).

Example OTcl script for configuring a DropTail queue:

set ns [new Simulator]

set nf [open w]

$ns trace-all $nf

set qtype Queue/DropTail

set maxBufferSize 50  ;# Set buffer size

set node0 [$ns node]

set node1 [$ns node]

# Attach DropTail queue to node0

set link0 [$ns duplex-link $node0 $node1 1Mb 10ms DropTail]

$link0 queue-limit $maxBufferSize

# Run the simulation

$ns at 1.0 “start_traffic”

$ns at 5.0 “stop_traffic”

$ns run

In this script:

  • A DropTail queue is set up among the two nodes (node0 and node1).
  • The buffer size is fixed to 50 packets using the queue-limit command.
  1. Compile and Run the Simulation:
  • After altering the C++ files, recompile NS2 to contain the modifies:

make clean


  • Run the OTcl script to replicate the network behaviour with the custom buffer management logic:

ns your_script.tcl

  1. Analyze Simulation Results:
  • We can be used the trace files made by the simulation to estimate the buffer performance. Observe metrics such as:
    • Packet drop rate: How many packets are dropped because of the buffer overflow.
    • Queue occupancy: How full the buffer gets across time.
    • End-to-end delay: Calculate how buffer management impacts the latency.
    • Throughput: Verify if throughput is impacted by buffer management.

Example of analyzing the trace file:

awk ‘$1 == “d” {drop++} END {print “Dropped packets: “, drop}’

  1. Optimize and Test Different Scenarios:
  • Examine the buffer management system under various traffic conditions with the heavy congestion or multimedia traffic.
  • Alter the queue parameters and buffer management algorithms to enhance the behaviour rely on the network’s specific needs.

Key Components to Modify:

  1. Queue Class ( and specific queue types like,
    • Execute the custom buffer management logic. For instance, prioritizing multimedia traffic or managing buffer overflow.
  2. OTcl Script:
    • Describe the queue type and set up buffer parameters for each link or node.
  3. Packet Scheduling and Dropping Policies:
    • Choose on approaches such as FIFO, Priority Queueing, RED, or Weighted Fair Queueing (WFQ).

Lastly, we demonstrated the detailed procedure that supports you to implement and examine the Network Buffer Management within NS2. If required, we will share additional insights.

To achieve the best outcomes from failures, effective buffer management plays a key role in boosting overall network performance. It helps prevent congestion and ensures that the Quality of Service (QoS) aligns with your project needs. For some great project ideas that fit your research focus, visit We’re ready to assist you with prompt support for implementing Network Buffer Management in NS2.