How to Implement Network Controller Placement in NS2
To implement the Network Controller Placement using NS2 simulation environment that contains replicating the placement of controllers (normally for Software Defined Networking, or SDN) in a network. The controllers handle the sending rules for the data plane, and its placement effects of the network performance, like latency, fault tolerance, and overall network efficiency. Below, we deliver simple technique on how to execute the Network Controller Placement in NS2:
Step-by-Step Guide to Implement Network Controller Placement in NS2
- Understand Controller Placement Requirements:
- Controller Placement refers to establishing in which to place SDN controllers within a network to enhance the performance. The number of controllers, its locations, and how they relate to switches are critical considerations.
- We must describe criteria like:
- Latency: Controllers should place to reduce the communication delays among switches and controllers.
- Fault Tolerance: The network should be continued functioning in case of a controller failure, thus backup controllers may require.
- Load Balancing: Workload should deliver evenly between the controllers to prevent the overload.
- Define the Simulation Topology:
- Configure a network topology in which some nodes are performs as controllers and others as switches. The communication among the controllers and switches must be handled by a control plane (e.g., OpenFlow).
- Make the network of switches and links to replicate the SDN environment.
Example OTcl script for a basic network topology:
set ns [new Simulator]
set nf [open w]
$ns trace-all $nf
set namfile [open out.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $namfile
# Create network nodes (controllers and switches)
set controller1 [$ns node]
set controller2 [$ns node]
set switch1 [$ns node]
set switch2 [$ns node]
set switch3 [$ns node]
# Create duplex links between switches and controllers
$ns duplex-link $controller1 $switch1 100Mb 1ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $controller1 $switch2 100Mb 1ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $controller2 $switch3 100Mb 1ms DropTail
# Setup the controller-to-switch communications
$ns at 1.0 “connect_controller switch1 controller1”
$ns at 1.0 “connect_controller switch2 controller1”
$ns at 1.0 “connect_controller switch3 controller2”
# Run the simulation
$ns at 5.0 “finish”
proc finish {} {
global ns nf namfile
$ns flush-trace
close $nf
close $namfile
exec nam out.nam &
exit 0
$ns run
- Implement Controller Communication Logic:
- We want to execute the communication among the controllers and the switches, it is where control messages (e.g., OpenFlow rules) are exchanged.
- Describe a controller module, which handles the control logic, receives data from switches, and forwards flow rules back.
Example: Define controller logic in
void Controller::recv(Packet* p, Handler* h) {
hdr_ctrl* hdr = hdr_ctrl::access(p);
// Process control packet and handle flow installation
sendFlowRule(p); // Send flow rule back to the switch
void Controller::processFlowRequest(hdr_ctrl* hdr) {
// Analyze flow request from switch
// Implement logic for flow rule installation
if (hdr->type == FLOW_REQUEST) {
installFlowRule(hdr->switch_id, hdr->flow_id);
void Controller::sendFlowRule(Packet* p) {
// Send flow rule packet to the corresponding switch
hdr_ctrl* hdr = hdr_ctrl::access(p);
hdr->type = FLOW_INSTALL;
hdr->rule = generateFlowRule(hdr->flow_id);
send(p, switch_id);
In this instance:
- The controller processes the flow calls received from switches and forwards back flow rules.
- The processFlowRequest function manages the incoming requests, whereas sendFlowRule sends the generated flow rule back to the suitable switch.
- Controller Placement Strategy:
- State the controller placement strategy. It may rely on:
- Latency optimization: Place controllers to reduce the delay among the switches and controllers.
- Load balancing: Deliver the switches evenly between controllers to prevent overloading any one controller.
- Redundancy and fault tolerance: Make certain that there are backup controllers for switches in case of failure.
Example: Latency-Based Controller Placement
- Execute a decision-making algorithm, which allocates the switches to controllers depends on latency. We can be assessed the distance (or latency) among switches and controllers, and allocate switches to the closest controller.
Example code for latency-based placement:
void ControllerPlacement::assignSwitches() {
for (int i = 0; i < num_switches; i++) {
double min_latency = MAX_LATENCY;
int best_controller = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < num_controllers; j++) {
double latency = calculateLatency(switches[i], controllers[j]);
if (latency < min_latency) {
min_latency = latency;
best_controller = j;
// Assign the switch to the best controller
assignSwitchToController(i, best_controller);
double ControllerPlacement::calculateLatency(Node* switch_node, Node* controller_node) {
// Calculate the network latency between the switch and controller
return ns->distance(switch_node, controller_node) / link_speed;
- The assignSwitches function allocates each switch to the controller with the least latency.
- The calculateLatency function computes the network latency rely on the distance among the nodes and the link speed.
- Handle Controller Failover and Redundancy:
- To make certain that fault tolerance, execute failover mechanisms. If a controller fails then switches should reallocate to a backup controller.
Example: Controller failover logic:
void ControllerPlacement::handleControllerFailure(int controller_id) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_switches; i++) {
if (assigned_controller[i] == controller_id) {
// Reassign the switch to a backup controller
assignSwitchToController(i, findBackupController(i));
int ControllerPlacement::findBackupController(int switch_id) {
// Find the nearest backup controller for the given switch
double min_latency = MAX_LATENCY;
int backup_controller = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < num_controllers; j++) {
if (controller_status[j] == ACTIVE) {
double latency = calculateLatency(switches[switch_id], controllers[j]);
if (latency < min_latency) {
min_latency = latency;
backup_controller = j;
return backup_controller;
- If a controller fails then the handleControllerFailure function reallocates switches to the closest active controller using the findBackupController function.
- Modify OTcl Script for Dynamic Placement:
- Adapt the OTcl script to dynamically allocate switches to controllers during the simulation, rely on the placement strategy (e.g., latency-based or load-balanced).
Example OTcl script:
# Dynamically assign switches to controllers based on latency
$ns at 1.0 “assignSwitchesToControllers”
proc assignSwitchesToControllers {} {
global ns
# Call the controller placement function
- Compile and Run the Simulation:
- After altering the C++ code, recompile NS2:
make clean
- Run the OTcl script to replicate controller placement:
ns your_script.tcl
- Analyze the Results:
- Examine the effect of controller placement on network performance. We can observe:
- Latency among the switches and controllers.
- Controller load (how many switches each controller manages).
- Fault tolerance and the performance of the network when controllers fail.
We use the trace files or scripts to extract metrics:
awk ‘{if ($1 == “r” && $4 == “ctrl”) print “Controller received at”, $3}’
- Above script extracts events in which controllers are receive packets from switches, permitting to estimate the controller performance.
Key Components for Controller Placement Implementation:
- Controllers and Switches: Describe the nodes as controllers and switches, and configure the communication among them.
- Controller Placement Strategy: Execute the procedures for latency-based, load-balanced, or fault-tolerant placement of controllers.
- Controller Communication Logic: Describe how controllers are communicate with the switches and process control messages (e.g., flow rule installation).
- Failover Mechanism: Execute a failover logic to reallocate the switches in case of controller failure.
- Analysis: Assess the network performance according to the latency, controller load, and fault tolerance.
As illustrated above, we executes the step-by-step process and we provided the key components to implement and examine the Network Controller Placement within NS2. Furthermore, if you require additional informations regarding this topic then you can approach for more guidance on your implementation.