How to Implement Network Hybrid Signature in NS2
To implement the Network Hybrid Signature in NS2 that is used to secure data transmission through a network by integrating both symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic strategies. In this system, usually asymmetric is used to share a symmetric key and the symmetric key is used to encrypt the original message. It validates the message and offer non-repudiation by using both cryptographic methods.
In NS2, we can simulate this concept by:
- Using asymmetric cryptography (public/private key pairs) for signing the message.
- Using symmetric cryptography (shared secret key) for encrypting the message content.
- Validating the signature at the receiver to make sure authenticity and reliability of the message.
This procedure will help you implement a Network Hybrid Signature in NS2.
Step-by-Step Implementation:
- Set Up NS2
Make certain that NS2 is installed on your system. If not, install it using:
sudo apt-get install ns2
- Define the Network Topology
First, simulate the transmission of signed and encrypted messages using hybrid cryptography by developing a basic network topology with a sender and receiver.
set ns [new Simulator]
set tracefile [open w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile
# Create sender and receiver nodes
set sender [$ns node]
set receiver [$ns node]
# Create a duplex link between the sender and receiver
$ns duplex-link $sender $receiver 1Mb 10ms DropTail
- Simulate Key Generation for Hybrid Signature
For a hybrid signature, you need both asymmetric keys (for signing) and symmetric keys (for encryption).
(A) Asymmetric Key Generation (Public/Private Key Pair)
Each node will create a public/private key pair for signing and certifying the signature.
# Simulate asymmetric key generation for sender and receiver
set sender_private_key “private_key_sender”
set sender_public_key “public_key_sender”
set receiver_private_key “private_key_receiver”
set receiver_public_key “public_key_receiver”
(B) Symmetric Key Generation
Imitate the creation of a symmetric key to encrypt the message. This symmetric key can be shared using the asymmetric public key.
# Simulate symmetric key generation (shared secret key)
set symmetric_key “shared_secret_key”
- Simulate Hybrid Signature Creation
The sender signs the message using its private key (for authorization) and then encrypts the message using the symmetric key.
(A) Create Signature
The sender signs the message using their private key.
# Simulate message signing with the sender’s private key
proc sign_message {message private_key} {
puts “Signing message: ‘$message’ with private key: $private_key”
return “signed_$message_with_$private_key”
# Sign the message before encryption
set message “Hello Receiver!”
$ns at 1.0 “set signed_message [sign_message $message $sender_private_key]”
(B) Encrypt the Signed Message
After signing, the sender encrypts the signed message using the symmetric key.
# Simulate symmetric encryption of the signed message
proc encrypt_message {message key} {
puts “Encrypting message: ‘$message’ with symmetric key: $key”
return “encrypted_$message_with_$key”
# Encrypt the signed message using the shared symmetric key
$ns at 1.5 “set encrypted_message [encrypt_message $signed_message $symmetric_key]”
- Transmit the Encrypted Message
Now, the encrypted signed message will be transferred through the network from the sender to the receiver.
# Set up UDP agents for sender and receiver
set udp_sender [new Agent/UDP]
set udp_receiver [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $sender $udp_sender
$ns attach-agent $receiver $udp_receiver
$ns connect $udp_sender $udp_receiver
# Create a CBR traffic generator to transmit the encrypted message
set cbr_sender [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr_sender set packetSize_ 512
$cbr_sender set rate_ 1Mb
$cbr_sender attach-agent $udp_sender
# Start the transmission at 2.0 seconds
$ns at 2.0 “$cbr_sender start”
- Decrypt the Message at the Receiver
After the receiver obtains the encrypted message, they decrypt it using the shared symmetric key.
# Simulate decryption of the message using the symmetric key
proc decrypt_message {encrypted_message key} {
puts “Decrypting message: ‘$encrypted_message’ with symmetric key: $key”
return “decrypted_message”
# Decrypt the message at the receiver
$ns at 3.0 “set decrypted_message [decrypt_message $encrypted_message $symmetric_key]”
- Verify the Signature
After decrypting the message, the receiver certifies the signature using the sender’s public key. This makes certain that the message was indeed signed by the sender and has not been tampered with.
# Simulate signature verification using the sender’s public key
proc verify_signature {signed_message public_key} {
puts “Verifying signature of message: ‘$signed_message’ with public key: $public_key”
# Simulate verification (1 for success, 0 for failure)
return 1 ;# Assume the signature is valid
# Verify the signature after decryption
$ns at 3.5 “set signature_valid [verify_signature $decrypted_message $sender_public_key]”
- Log Events
Observe the process by logging all significant events like message signing, encryption, decryption, and signature validation.
# Log important events during hybrid signature processing
proc log_event {event description} {
puts “$event: $description”
# Log the signing, encryption, decryption, and verification events
$ns at 1.0 “log_event ‘Message Signing’ ‘Message was signed with sender private key'”
$ns at 1.5 “log_event ‘Message Encryption’ ‘Signed message was encrypted with symmetric key'”
$ns at 3.0 “log_event ‘Message Decryption’ ‘Encrypted message was decrypted using symmetric key'”
$ns at 3.5 “log_event ‘Signature Verification’ ‘Signature was verified using sender public key'”
- Run the Simulation
Once the script is ready, execute the simulation using NS2:
ns your_script.tcl
- Analyze the Results
After the simulation, analyze the trace file ( and console output to verify:
- The message was signed using the sender’s private key.
- The signed message was encrypted using the symmetric key.
- The receiver successfully decrypted the message and certified the signature using the sender’s public key.
You can also use NAM (Network Animator) to envision the transmission of the message amongst the sender and receiver.
- Extend the Simulation
You can extend this execution by:
- Handling key exchange: Share the symmetric key by simulating secure key exchange protocols (such as Diffie-Hellman).
- Simulating attacks: Launch network attacks like message tampering or replay attacks and examine how the hybrid signature can prevent these attacks.
- Integrating more complex encryption algorithms: Replace the simple encryption and signature functions with real cryptographic libraries to replicate more realistic security features.
- Adding multiple participants: Include more nodes to mimic a larger network where each node interacts securely using hybrid signatures.
This setup demonstrates a simple implementation of a network hybrid signature in ns2 and how to establish their security mechanisms into it. You can expand it further to include more sophisticated cryptographic algorithms, additional nodes, and more complex network topologies as per your requirements.
To apply the Network Hybrid Signature in NS2, feel free to share all your research information with us. We provide the best research ideas available.