How to Implement Network Micro Segmentation in NS2
To implement the Network Micro Segmentation in NS2, this is a security strategy which is used in network infrastructure in which the network is break down into smaller, isolated segments to guard against illegal lateral movement inside the network. In ns2, it can be replicated by logically dividing the network into several secure zones that has communication among segments which is controlled by policies like firewall or access control rules. These zones can signify various user groups, applications, or devices, and traffic amongst them can be tightly controlled. Here are the implementation steps to achieve this in ns2:
Key Steps to Implement Network Micro-Segmentation in NS2:
- Define Network Zones (Segments): Generate various nodes indicating various network zones (for instance: user group zones, application zones).
- Set Up Firewalls or Policies: State rules for communication amongst segments using agents like firewalls.
- Isolate Traffic Between Zones: Make sure that only certified traffic is permitted amongst segments, while all other traffic is congested.
- Monitor and Analyze Traffic: Observe packet movement amongst segments and assess the security and performance of the segmented network by using trace files.
Example: Simulating Network Micro-Segmentation in NS2
In this simulation, we will:
- Build three various network segments: Zone A (for users), Zone B (for servers), and Zone C (for IoT devices).
- Use firewalls to control communication amongst the zones. Only certified traffic is granted, and illegal traffic will be jammed.
Example TCL Script for Network Micro-Segmentation:
# Create a new simulator instance
set ns [new Simulator]
# Define output trace file for logging events
set tracefile [open w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile
# Define NAM file for animation (optional)
set namfile [open micro_segmentation.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $namfile
# Create network nodes representing different zones
set zoneA1 [$ns node] # User Device in Zone A
set zoneA2 [$ns node] # Another User Device in Zone A
set zoneB [$ns node] # Server in Zone B
set zoneC [$ns node] # IoT Device in Zone C
# Create firewall nodes between zones to simulate security policies
set firewallA_B [$ns node] # Firewall between Zone A and Zone B
set firewallB_C [$ns node] # Firewall between Zone B and Zone C
# Create links between nodes within zones and between zones via firewalls
$ns duplex-link $zoneA1 $firewallA_B 10Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $zoneA2 $firewallA_B 10Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $firewallA_B $zoneB 10Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $zoneB $firewallB_C 10Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $firewallB_C $zoneC 5Mb 20ms DropTail
# Define TCP agent for traffic from Zone A (User) to Zone B (Server)
set tcp_A1 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $zoneA1 $tcp_A1
set sink_B [new Agent/TCPSink]
$ns attach-agent $zoneB $sink_B
# Connect TCP agent (Zone A) to TCP Sink (Zone B)
$ns connect $tcp_A1 $sink_B
# Define an FTP application to generate authorized traffic from Zone A to Zone B
set ftp_A1 [new Application/FTP]
$ftp_A1 attach-agent $tcp_A1
# Define UDP agent for unauthorized traffic from Zone C (IoT) to Zone B (Server)
set udp_C [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $zoneC $udp_C
set sink_B_unauth [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $zoneB $sink_B_unauth
# Unauthorized traffic should be dropped by firewall (simulated by not connecting them)
# Attempt to connect UDP from Zone C (IoT) to Zone B (Server)
# No actual connection between udp_C and sink_B_unauth
# Schedule the authorized traffic from Zone A to Zone B
$ns at 0.5 “$ftp_A1 start”
$ns at 4.0 “$ftp_A1 stop”
# Schedule unauthorized traffic attempt from Zone C to Zone B
# (this traffic should be dropped as it is unauthorized)
set cbr_unauthorized [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr_unauthorized attach-agent $udp_C
$cbr_unauthorized set packetSize_ 512
$cbr_unauthorized set rate_ 1Mb
$ns at 1.0 “$cbr_unauthorized start”
$ns at 4.0 “$cbr_unauthorized stop”
# Schedule end of simulation
$ns at 5.0 “finish”
# Finish procedure to close files and run NAM
proc finish {} {
global ns tracefile namfile
$ns flush-trace
close $tracefile
close $namfile
exec nam micro_segmentation.nam &
exit 0
# Run the simulation
$ns run
Explanation of the Script:
- Network Zones Setup:
- We state three zones: Zone A (user devices), Zone B (servers), and Zone C (IoT devices). Each zone has its own set of devices indicated as nodes.
- Firewalls (Segment Boundaries):
- Firewall nodes (firewallA_B and firewallB_C) behave like security boundaries amongst zones. These nodes replicate firewall rules, permitting or denying traffic amidst zones in terms of policies.
- Traffic Policy:
- Authorized Traffic: Traffic is granted from Zone A to Zone B (for instance: user devices to servers). A TCP agent is used for FTP traffic.
- Unauthorized Traffic: Traffic from Zone C (IoT devices) to Zone B (servers) is unauthorized and should be congested. This is replicated by not linking the UDP agent in Zone C to the sink in Zone B, indicating the firewall jamming the traffic.
- Traffic Simulation:
- FTP Traffic (Authorized): Traffic from Zone A to Zone B (simulating a authorized user accessing a server).
- CBR Traffic (Unauthorized): Traffic from Zone C to Zone B (simulating an unauthorized attempt from IoT devices to servers). This traffic should not be allowed through the firewall.
- Simulation Outcome:
- The trace file ( will show that the legitimate traffic from Zone A to Zone B is successfully transmitted, while the unauthorized traffic from Zone C to Zone B is dropped by the firewall.
- Analyzing the Trace File
Once the simulation is done, the trace file will contain information about:
- Successful Traffic: Packets successfully transmitted amongst segments (for instance: from Zone A to Zone B).
- Dropped Traffic: Unauthorized packets that are congested by the firewalls (e.g., from Zone C to Zone B).
This data can be analyzed to validate that the segmentation and security policies are working as intended.
- Enhancements and Advanced Features
To make the micro-segmentation simulation more realistic, you can:
- Implement More Complex Firewall Rules: Replicate more advanced firewall rules like only permitting particular ports or protocols by using additional logic.
- Add More Zones: Build more zones and imitate different interactions amongst them, with numerous policies for each zone.
- Simulate Network Attacks: Launch malicious traffic (such as a DDoS attack) and monitor how the segmented network reacts by blocking traffic in real time.
- Load Balancing: Imitate traffic distribution across several servers by attaching load balancers in each zone.
Example: Adding More Advanced Firewall Policies
You can extend the script by simulating more granular firewall rules like blocking traffic in terms of port numbers or particular protocols.
# Example of a rule to allow only TCP traffic from Zone A to Zone B on port 80 (HTTP traffic)
# Simulate this by controlling the connection at the firewall node
We had provided the detailed structure of Micro Segmentation with its implementation procedure with snippet codes and some examples. We were executed this process using ns2 tool by simulating an environment and by divide the network into segments. If needed, we will deliver any additional details on this topic.
Implementation of Network Micro Segmentation using the NS2 tool are done by our team in a very effective way, reach out to us for expert guidance. Our team is fully equipped with the necessary resources to ensure timely and effective support.