How to Implement Network Power Allocation in NS2

To implement network power allocation in NS2 (Network Simulator 2), we need to follow a series of steps that were given below:

Step-by-Step Implementation:

  1. Understand the Power Allocation Model

Before executing power allocation, we need to have a clear knowledge of the network power allocation strategy. Power allocation models are usually used in wireless networks to enhance the transmission power to exhaust the possibilities of the throughput while reducing interference.

  1. Modify the Energy Model

NS2 has includes an energy model that mimics the consumption of energy in mobile nodes. We will adjust this design or add a custom power allocation strategy. The energy model is usually used in wireless network scenarios in which each node has a limited power supply.

  • The default energy model in NS2 is located in the file and energy_model.h. we can expand this by adding power allocation functions.
  • NS2 energy model describes power consumption during transmission, reception, idle, and sleep states. We can adjust or establish new metrics for power allocation approaches.
  1. Incorporate Power Allocation Algorithm

To allocate power, we need to execute a power allocation algorithm. This algorithm could be based on:

  • Centralized Power Allocation: A central controller regulates the power levels for each node.
  • Distributed Power Allocation: Each node adapts its own power level according to local information like Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), interference, or distance to the receiver.

We can describe the custom algorithm in the TCL or C++ script, relaying on how complex it is. For instance:

set txPower [expr $distance*$SNR]

$node_($i) set transmit_power_ $txPower

In this sample, the power is distributed based on the distance among the nodes and the preferred SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio).

  1. Modify Node Configuration

After executing the power allocation technique, adjust the node’s transmission power. This can be completed in the TCL script. For example:

set val(transmitPower) 0.1 ;# set initial transmission power (in watts)

Or dynamically during simulation:

$node_($i) set transmit_power_ [expr $new_power_value]

  1. Adjust NS2 Wireless Environment Parameters

Adapt the wireless environment settings, like channel propagation and reception sensitivity, to account for the power levels. These modification can be completed in the TCL script as follows:

set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel

set val(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround

set val(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna

set val(ll) LL

set val(mac) Mac/802_11

set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue

set val(energy) EnergyModel

set val(rpower) 0.1 ;# receive power threshold

  1. Logging and Validation

To make sure that power allocation is being applied appropriately, log the power levels in the simulation. We can add print statements in custom power allocation function or log energy consumption by each node.

puts “Node $i: transmit power set to $new_power_value”

  1. Test and Analyse

After executing the power allocation model, execute the simulation and evaluate the outcomes. We can use the NS2 trace file to validate that power levels are properly set and adjust as desirable.

Example TCL Script Snippet for Power Allocation:

# Create a node

set n1 [$ns_ node]

# Set energy model for the node

$n1 set energyModel_ EnergyModel

$n1 set initialEnergy_ 100.0

$n1 set txPower_ 0.2 ;# Transmit power

# Allocate power dynamically based on distance and SNR

proc allocate_power {node_ distance snr} {

set txPower [expr $distance * $snr]

$node_ set transmit_power_ $txPower

puts “Power allocated: $txPower”


# Example call during simulation

allocate_power $n1 100 0.5

  1. Run the Simulation

Finally, execute the simulation using the changed script and monitor on how the power allocation impacts network performance in terms of energy consumption, packet delivery ratio, and network lifetime.

ns your_script.tcl

  1. Post-Simulation Analysis

After the simulation, evaluate the result trace files to check the power allocation, energy usage, and overall network performance.

Overall, we had clearly offered the detailed description to execute the network power allocation that was given above and evaluated in ns2 implementation tool. We also further provide the detailed information that related to network power allocation.

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