How to Implement Network Security Preservation in NS2
To implement network security preservation in NS2 has a series of steps to follow that includes to adding mechanisms to secure the network from numerous security threats, like unauthorized access, data interception, tampering, or denial of service (DoS) attacks. Relaying on the application, network security can contain an authentication, encryption, intrusion detection, or routing security. Below is the detailed procedure to implement the basic security features in NS2.
Step-by-Step Guide to Implement Network Security Preservation in NS2
- Identify Security Objectives
Before executing security in NS2, describe what characteristic of security we are focusing on. Key security goals can include:
- Confidentiality: Make sure that data is only accessible by authorized parties (via encryption).
- Integrity: Make sure that data cannot be changed in transit.
- Authentication: Validating the identity of nodes or users.
- Intrusion Detection: Classifying and responding to unauthorized access or attacks.
- Routing Security: Mitigating attacks on the routing protocol, like wormhole, blackhole, or Sybil attacks.
- Implement Authentication
Authentication makes sure that only trusted nodes are permitted to interact within the network. In NS2, we can execute a simple shared key or certificate-based authentication scheme among nodes.
Example of Basic Authentication in NS2 (C++):
class SecureAgent : public Agent {
void recv(Packet* p); // Override the receive function to authenticate the sender
bool authenticate(Packet* p); // Check if the sender is authenticated
nsaddr_t sharedKey; // Example of a shared authentication key
// Constructor
SecureAgent::SecureAgent() : Agent(PT_UDP), sharedKey(12345) {}
// Function to authenticate the sender
bool SecureAgent::authenticate(Packet* p) {
hdr_ip* iph = HDR_IP(p);
if (iph->src() == sharedKey) { // Check if the packet’s source matches the shared key
return true; // Packet is authenticated
} else {
return false; // Packet is not authenticated, drop it
// Overriding the recv function to implement authentication
void SecureAgent::recv(Packet* p) {
if (authenticate(p)) {
Agent::recv(p); // Pass the packet to the agent if authenticated
} else {
Packet::free(p); // Drop the packet if not authenticated
- Implement Encryption for Confidentiality
Encryption makes sure that data sent among nodes is not readable by unauthorized parties. In NS2, we can replicate encryption by transforming the packet’s payload before sending it, and decrypting it upon reception.
Example of Basic Symmetric Encryption (C++):
class SecureAgent : public Agent {
void send(Packet* p); // Encrypt packet before sending
void recv(Packet* p); // Decrypt packet after receiving
void encrypt(Packet* p); // Encrypt the packet
void decrypt(Packet* p); // Decrypt the packet
nsaddr_t encryptionKey; // Simple example of a symmetric encryption key
// Constructor
SecureAgent::SecureAgent() : Agent(PT_UDP), encryptionKey(0xdeadbeef) {}
// Encrypt packet data
void SecureAgent::encrypt(Packet* p) {
hdr_cmn* cmnh = HDR_CMN(p);
cmnh->uid() ^= encryptionKey; // Simple XOR-based encryption
// Decrypt packet data
void SecureAgent::decrypt(Packet* p) {
hdr_cmn* cmnh = HDR_CMN(p);
cmnh->uid() ^= encryptionKey; // Simple XOR-based decryption (symmetric)
// Send packet with encryption
void SecureAgent::send(Packet* p) {
encrypt(p); // Encrypt before sending
// Receive packet with decryption
void SecureAgent::recv(Packet* p) {
decrypt(p); // Decrypt after receiving
In this instance, encryption is performed using a simple XOR operation, however we can expand this to more advanced encryption algorithms relays on security needs.
- Implement Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) observes network activity and classify abnormal patterns or known attack signatures. We can execute a simple IDS in NS2 by observe traffic for particular patterns or packet types that can designate malicious behaviour.
Example of IDS Monitoring Traffic (C++):
class IntrusionDetectionAgent : public Agent {
void recv(Packet* p); // Monitor incoming packets for intrusion
void checkForIntrusion(Packet* p); // Check for intrusion patterns
int anomalyThreshold; // Threshold for detecting abnormal traffic
// Constructor
IntrusionDetectionAgent::IntrusionDetectionAgent() : Agent(PT_UDP), anomalyThreshold(10) {}
// Function to check for intrusion patterns
void IntrusionDetectionAgent::checkForIntrusion(Packet* p) {
hdr_ip* iph = HDR_IP(p);
hdr_cmn* cmnh = HDR_CMN(p);
// Example: Detecting repeated packet flood from the same IP address (DoS attack)
if (iph->src() == some_suspicious_ip && cmnh->size() > anomalyThreshold) {
printf(“Intrusion detected: Potential DoS attack from %d\n”, iph->src());
// Overriding the recv function to add IDS monitoring
void IntrusionDetectionAgent::recv(Packet* p) {
checkForIntrusion(p); // Check for intrusion patterns
Agent::recv(p); // Forward the packet after checking
This sample observes for DoS attacks by classifying traffic patterns in which a node sends excessive amounts of data. We can expand this to contain other attack detection mechanisms, like wormhole attacks or blackhole attacks in routing protocols.
- Implement Routing Security
Routing protocols, like AODV, DSR, or OLSR, can be exposed to attacks like blackhole, Sybil, or wormhole attacks. We can improve the routing protocols with security mechanisms that checks routes and authenticate nodes.
Example of Securing AODV against Blackhole Attacks:
In a blackhole attack, a malicious node falsely advertises itself as having the shortest route to the destination, and then drops all packets it receives.
To mitigate this, we can adjust the AODV routing protocol to check the legitimacy of routes before sending data.
class SecureAODV : public AODV {
void recvRequest(Packet* p); // Verify the route request
bool verifyRoute(Packet* p); // Verify the integrity of the route
// Constructor
SecureAODV::SecureAODV() : AODV() {}
// Overriding the recvRequest function to add route verification
void SecureAODV::recvRequest(Packet* p) {
if (verifyRoute(p)) {
AODV::recvRequest(p); // Process the route request if verified
} else {
printf(“Dropping malicious route request\n”);
Packet::free(p); // Drop the packet if the route is suspicious
// Function to verify the integrity of the route
bool SecureAODV::verifyRoute(Packet* p) {
// Example: Check for suspicious nodes or unusually short routes
hdr_ip* iph = HDR_IP(p);
if (isMaliciousNode(iph->src())) {
return false; // Suspect a blackhole attack
return true;
- Simulate Security Features in NS2
After executing security mechanisms in NS2, we can validate them by configures diverse network scenarios in which potential attacks occur. We can use Tcl scripts to replicate normal traffic and attack traffic.
Example Tcl Script for Secure Network Simulation:
# Create a simulator instance
set ns [new Simulator]
# Create nodes
set node1 [$ns node]
set node2 [$ns node]
set node3 [$ns node]
# Attach secure agents to the nodes
set agent1 [new Agent/SecureAgent]
set agent2 [new Agent/SecureAgent]
set agent3 [new Agent/SecureAgent]
$ns attach-agent $node1 $agent1
$ns attach-agent $node2 $agent2
$ns attach-agent $node3 $agent3
# Set up traffic between nodes
set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr1 set packetSize_ 512
$cbr1 set interval_ 0.5
$cbr1 attach-agent $agent1
# Start traffic
$ns at 1.0 “$cbr1 start”
# Run the simulation
$ns run
In this script, SecureAgent executes a simple encryption, authentication, or intrusion detection. We can mimic attacks by sending malicious traffic and observing on how the network manages these threats.
- Evaluate Security Performance
After execution the simulation, measure the efficiency of the security mechanisms by analysing:
- Packet delivery ratio: Make sure that legitimate traffic is delivered successfully.
- Packet loss due to attacks: Validate if the system appropriately classify and drops malicious packets.
- Latency: Evaluate any latency established by the security mechanisms.
- Energy consumption: Make sure that the security mechanisms don’t drain too much energy (particularly significant for wireless sensor networks).
In the conclusion, we clearly simulate the network security preservation in the network that was executed in the ns2 tool that enhances the data confidentiality and integrity. We plan to deliver additional information regarding the network security preservation. Give us the specifics of your Network Security Preservation research, and we’ll give you the best ns2tool simulation results.