How to Implement Network Threat Hunting in NS2

To implement Network Threat Hunting in NS2, we can generate a simulation that track the network traffic for uncommon patterns or behaviour signifies of threats. This implementation contains numerous key steps, from describing the network topology to incorporating threat detection techniques. Below is a high-level guide: the below is the guide to implement the Network Threat Hunting in ns2:

Steps to Implement Network Threat Hunting in NS2:

  1. Define Network Topology:
  • Use Tcl scripts to generate a network topology with nodes (computers, routers, etc.) and links (wired or wireless connections). We can mimic various protocols such as TCP, UDP and configure traffic patterns.


set ns [new Simulator]

set node1 [$ns node]

set node2 [$ns node]

# Create a duplex link between node1 and node2 with bandwidth and delay

$ns duplex-link $node1 $node2 10Mb 10ms DropTail

  1. Simulate Network Traffic:
  • Use NS2 to create normal and abnormal traffic. For example, we can mimic regular network activity and insert malicious traffic like DDoS attacks or abnormal traffic patterns.

Example of creating traffic:

# Create a TCP agent and attach it to node1

set tcp [new Agent/TCP]

$ns attach-agent $node1 $tcp

# Create an FTP application and attach it to the TCP agent

set ftp [new Application/FTP]

$ftp attach-agent $tcp

We can establish malicious traffic patterns like SYN flooding by sending excessive requests or generating custom traffic generators.

  1. Implement Traffic Monitoring:
  • Execute a mechanism to track the traffic among nodes. We can log traffic details like packet loss, latency, throughput, and packet drops.
  • Use NS2 traces files to capture packet-level details. These trace files deliver data on packet transmissions, receptions, and drops that are necessary for identify anomalies.

Example of enabling trace:

set tracefile [open w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

  1. Detect Anomalous Behaviour:
  • Post-process the trace files to evaluate network behaviour. we can generate or use external techniques such as in Python to evaluate these logs and identify suspicious activities such as:
    • High packet drop rates.
    • Unusually high traffic from certain nodes (potential DDoS attack).
    • Varying traffic patterns representing a potential insider attack.

We can replicate anomaly detection in NS2 by using scripts that parse the trace file and evaluate various statistics, like traffic volume, packet sizes, delays, and errors.

  1. Integrate Threat Detection Algorithms:
  • Execute technique for anomaly detection, such as:
    • Threshold-based detection: configures thresholds for metrics such as packet loss, latency, or throughput.
    • Machine learning-based detection: Using supervised learning techniques that understand normal traffic patterns and detect deviations.
  • For machine learning, we would likely essential to use external tools such as Python to measure the trace files created by NS2.


# Pseudocode for detecting anomalies using a threshold on packet loss

if packet_loss_rate > threshold:

print(“Possible attack detected”)

  1. Simulate Attacks and Countermeasures:
  • Mimic different attack scenarios such as DDoS, MITM, etc. in NS2 and validate the detection mechanism. We can set up a node to act maliciously by sending anomalous traffic, and the threat hunting system should flag it.

Example of attack traffic simulation:

# Create malicious traffic generator (e.g., UDP flooding)

set udp [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $malicious_node $udp

set traffic [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$traffic attach-agent $udp

  1. Visualize and Analyse the Results:
  • Once the simulation runs, measure the collected trace files to classify patterns that designate potential threats.
  • NS2 delivers tools such as NAM (Network Animator) to envision the network simulation. Use it to visually examine packet flows, latency, and network congestion points.

We can also use statistical tools to process and measure the trace data:

import pandas as pd

trace_data = pd.read_csv(‘’, delim_whitespace=True)

# Analyze packet loss, delays, etc.

Example Workflow for Threat Hunting:

  1. Setup the Network: Describe the nodes, traffic patterns, and simulation parameters.
  2. Generate Traffic: Mimic normal traffic and establish malicious activities such as DDoS attacks.
  3. Log and Monitor Traffic: Capture traffic data using NS2’s trace functionality.
  4. Analyze for Threats: Use post-processing scripts to find abnormal patterns.
  5. Report and Visualize: Create reports or alerts according to the identified anomalies and envision using tools such as NAM.

Tools and Techniques to Use:

  • Trace Analysis: Use trace files for packet-level analysis.
  • Traffic Patterns: Mimic different kinds of traffic, both normal and malicious.
  • Detection Mechanisms: Execute threshold-based or anomaly-detection techniques.
  • Post-Processing: Use tools such as Python to measure trace files and implement machine learning or statistical models for threat detection.

In the conclusion, we entirely learn and understood about how the Network Threat Hunting will analyse the performance in the network simulation using ns2 tool. More information regarding the Network Threat Hunting will also be provided.Feel free to share your research insights with us, as we offer great research ideas and present exciting new topics.