How to Install Ns2 in Kali Linux

Through this article, let’s have a discussion about the installation network simulator 2 packages in the Kali Linux.

Installation of Required Packages

In the initial stage, we have to install the required packages for the installation of network simulator 2 through the execution of below mentioned commands in the Kali Linux terminal.

sudo apt-get update dist-upgrade install build-essential autoconf automake  install tcl8.5-dev tk8.5-dev install perl xgraph libxt-dev libx11-dev libxmu-dev install gcc-4.4

Installation of Basic Requirements

Installation of Ns2 in Kali Linux

For the installation of network simulator, we have to implement the below mentioned commands in the Kali Linux terminal.

sudo apt-get install ns2

Ns2 Installation

Ns2 Code in Kali Linux

For your ease, we have highlighted the sample source code based on network simulator 2 to acquire the subnet address of node.

str[0] = ‘\0’;

                        for (int i=1; i < levels_; i++) {

                                    a = address >> NodeShift_[i];

                                    a = a & NodeMask_[i];

                                    if (i < (levels_-1))

                                                sprintf(temp, “%d.”, a);


                                                sprintf(temp, “%d”, a);

                                    strcat(str, temp);


                        addrstr = new char[strlen(str)+1];

Eventually, you guys can reach us at any time to acquire a lot about the significance of Ns2 installation.