How to Install Ns2 in Windows 11

In general, a researcher is supposed to know all the technical tactics and techniques. Alright! Let’s we have a glance at every portions of this article to know the gripping details about the Ns2 installation in windows 11 over the execution of following steps.

  • Turn on the developer mode
  • Initially, we have to turn on the developer more over selecting the on state in developer mode category in the developer settings
  • Turn on the windows subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  • Consequently, we have to click ok by checking the name as windows subsystem for Linux in the windows features through turn on that
  • Installation of Ubuntu from Microsoft store
  • Then, we have reach the Microsoft store and type Ubuntu in the search bar and click install option
  • Installation of Ns2
  • As a final point, we have to open the Ubuntu prompt window and implement the commands that are highlighted below

sudo apt update

sudo apt-get install ns2

sudo apt-get install nam

sudo apt install tcl

To this end, we hope that we have provided the essential data about installing network simulator 2 in windows 11. Moreover, if you have any issues then reach us to get rid of that issue as simple.