How to Install PACKET.H Packages in Ns2
To Import Packet.H Packages In Ns2 tool read the steps listed below, we will guide you with tailored solutions and possible research ideas that interests the readers. We have all the necessary tools and resources to guide you at the appropriate time. Get customized research services from us. The Packet Header serves as the cornerstone for the representation and transmission of data within the simulated network, with its architecture meticulously outlined in the packet.h file. This essential header file encompasses declarations for the Packet class, detailing the methods and attributes that delineate the packet’s format, size, headers, and payload. Furthermore, the packet.h file facilitates the creation, duplication, and management of packets as they navigate through various layers of the network. The design allows for customization of packets with headers tailored to specific protocols, such as TCP, UDP, or IP, thereby offering remarkable flexibility in modeling diverse network behaviors. Within the TCL script, the capabilities of packet.h are accessed indirectly. Packet-related operations are made available through NS-2 simulation commands articulated in TCL. This seamless integration between C++ and TCL empowers users to define and manipulate packet flows, types, and behaviors without the necessity of explicitly including the packet.h file in their scripts. Instead, NS-2’s sophisticated internal mechanisms adeptly manage the connection between TCL commands and the foundational C++ Packet class.
Fresh installation of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:
2.NS-2.35 Installation:
Here, Percentage (%) symbol Denotes the successful installation of the NS 2.35 Simulator.
- Locate to the ns-2.35 folder:
2.Create the Main.tcl file in the scratch folder:
Next we need to create the Main.tcl file by using text editor in the ns-2.35 folder.
Next we need to paste the below code to the Main.tcl file and save the file in the ns-2.35 folder.
set ns [new Simulator]
set tracefile [open w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile
set namfile [open out.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all $namfile
proc finish {} {
global ns tracefile namfile
$ns flush-trace
close $tracefile
close $namfile
exec nam out.nam &
exit 0}
set n0 [$ns node]
set n1 [$ns node]
set n2 [$ns node]
set n3 [$ns node]
set n4 [$ns node]
$ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 1Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 1Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 1Mb 10ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 1Mb 10ms DropTail
# Agent header will use internally packet header to allocate packets for nodes
set udp0 [new Agent/UDP]
$ns attach-agent $n0 $udp0
set null0 [new Agent/Null]
$ns attach-agent $n4 $null0
$ns connect $udp0 $null0
set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr set packetSize_ 512
$cbr set interval_ 0.05
$cbr attach-agent $udp0
$ns at 0.5 “$cbr start”
$ns at 5.0 “finish”
$ns run
3.Open the Terminal:
Next, we need to launch the terminal by right clicking the mouse in the ns-2.35 location.
4.NS-2.35 Configuration && Building Process:
Next, we need to configure and build the ns-2.35 folder to make the Created files need to work in ns-2.35 configuration.
Command: “./make”
5.Importing Packet.h:
Here we imported the Packet.h header file code indirectly accessed the Packet class define a UDP agent and a CBR traffic generator in the Tcl script (set udp0 [new Agent/UDP] and $cbr attach-agent $udp0), packets are generated at the C++ level using the structures and functions in Packet.h in this example program. Here we highlighted the code line that highlighted which is the part of the agent.h with internally accessed Packet.h that we will show class file that used in this code via Common folder.
Here we will show the header file by opening Agent.h file to show the class or function imported from the Packet.h in the example code. “set udp0 [new Agent/UDP]” eventually instantiating packets that allocate the nodes in the UDP, which in turn inherits from Packet header to the Agent header functionality.
Here we highlighted lines for Packet header that Internally used in Agent Header.
Here we shown the packet header file.
Here, we highlighted the code line that packet pointer will allocate packets to the agent header files.
6.Executing the Example Program for Packet Header:
Then we need to run the Example program for Packet Header to view output of the program.
Command: “./ns Main.tcl”
Here we shown the output of the example program by using Packet.h.
Here, we have shown the file for Output of the Communication of the Network done in the simulation.
In the NS 2.35 Simulation Example Program, the Packet.h Header file is successfully imported.