How to Uninstall Ns-2.34 in Ubuntu 14.04

Hereby, our research professionals have highlighted the steps that are required to uninstall the packages based on Ns 2.34 in Ubuntu 14.04.

Supporting Tools for Ns-2.34 in Ubuntu 14.04

First and foremost, our technical experts have highlighted the simulation tools that are supportive for Ns-2.34 in Ubuntu 14.04.

  • Xgraph
  • It is a program which draws a graph on X display and that provides given data read from the data files
  • Nam
  • It is defined as the distribution among Ns2 simulator to read the input file and draw the network events graphically
  • In addition, it is deployed to visualize the progression of packets through the network

Uninstall Ns2-2.34 in Ubuntu 14.04

In addition, we have described the steps that are deployed to delete or uninstall the Ns 2.34 in Ubuntu 14.04.

  • We have to delete the directory “ns-allinone-2.34”
  • Then, we have to delete the files related to Ns from the “user/local/bin”
  • Edit the “.bashrc file” and remove the environment variable paths what we have added in the installation process
  • Following that, we have to restart the system and run the below mentioned commands respectively

sudo apt-get autoremove

sudo apt-get clean

Ping us to acquire a lot about network simulator 2!!!