Is There Any Online Ns2 Simulator

Obviously, the network simulator 2 is defined as the online Ns2 simulator. We are presenting you guys the newfangled article that is all about the process of executing the online Ns2 simulator.

Step: 1 Download Online Ns2 Simulator

Initially, we have to download the online Ns2 simulator through the execution of commands that have been highlighted in the following in the Ubuntu terminal window.

git clone

Link to Download Ns2 Simulator

Step: 2 Installation of Ns2 Simulator

Following that, we have to implement the below mentioned commands in the terminal window for the installation of Ns2 in Ubuntu.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35

sudo ./install

Step: 3 Creation of Simulation Using Ns2 Simulator

As the consequent process, we have to create the simulation using Ns2 simulator and for that we have to create the Tcl based main file and store that along with the file extension of .tcl in the project workspace location.

Simulation Creation Using Ns2

Step: 4 Run Simulation Using Ns2 Simulator

At that moment, we have to implement the below mentioned commands in Ubuntu terminal to run the Ns2 simulator based simulation.

cd /home/research/Desktop/NS2_Simulator

./ns Main.tcl

Running Simulation using Ns2 Simulator

For you reference, we have highlighted the acquired result of running the simulation using Ns2 simulator.

Simulation Result using Ns2 simulator

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