List Of Scopus Indexed Journals 2025 For Computer Science
List Of Scopus Indexed Journals 2025 For Computer Science that covers theoretical, practical, and policy-oriented aspects of cybersecurity. We carry on your work in such a way that your paper gets published very fast, we know the norms how to write your paper in a perfect way. Read out the journals and its focus area that covers.
- Computers & Security (Elsevier)
- Theoretical and practical aspects of technology-related security issues.
- Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier)
- Design, development, and implementation of security solutions.
- Security and Communication Networks (Wiley)
- Communications and network security, including protocols and analytics.
- International Journal of Information Security (Springer)
- Research on the theory and practice of information security.
- IEEE Security & Privacy
- Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of cybersecurity and privacy.
- Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective (Taylor & Francis)
- Global perspectives on information security challenges and solutions.
- Journal of Cybersecurity (Oxford University Press)
- Multidisciplinary research on cybersecurity policy and technology.
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
- Forensics and security aspects of information systems.
- ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
- Research on privacy, security, and cryptographic protocols.
- Cybersecurity (Springer)
- Cybersecurity technology, application, policy, and education.
- International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism (IGI Global)
- Cyber warfare, terrorism, and defense mechanisms.
- Digital Investigation (Elsevier)
- Advances in digital forensics and incident response.
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier)
- Secure network and computer applications.
- International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection (Elsevier)
- Protection of critical infrastructure from cyber threats.
- Network Security (Elsevier)
- Practical aspects of network and system security.
- Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation (Elsevier)
- Digital forensics and investigations into cyber incidents.
- Journal of Computer Security (IOS Press)
- Foundations of computer security.
- Cyber-Physical Systems (Taylor & Francis)
- Security of cyber-physical systems and infrastructure.
- IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
- Research on the dependability and security of computer systems.
- Information and Computer Security (Emerald)
- Strategies, techniques, and tools for ensuring information and computer security.
- Journal of Information Security and Cybercrimes Research (JISCR)
- Focus: Emerging trends in information security and cybercrime.
- Computers in Human Behavior Reports (Elsevier)
- Focus: Human aspects of cybersecurity and behavior-related security research.
- Privacy and Security in Digital Systems (Elsevier)
- Privacy and security issues in digital systems.
- Journal of Cyber Security Technology (Taylor & Francis)
- Technical and practical aspects of cybersecurity technologies.
- Cybersecurity and Privacy (Elsevier)
- Balancing cybersecurity measures with privacy concerns.
- Security Informatics (Springer)
- Informatics approaches to security, including data analytics for security.
- Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Theory and applications of privacy and confidentiality measures.
- Cybersecurity and Data Protection (Lexxion)
- Legal and regulatory aspects of cybersecurity and data protection.
- International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF)
- Cybersecurity practices and digital forensics investigations.
- Journal of Cryptology (Springer)
- Research in cryptology, fundamental to securing digital communications.
- Journal of Cyber Policy (Taylor & Francis)
- Policy, regulation, and governance in cybersecurity.
- Cyber Defence Review
- Strategic and operational aspects of cyber defense.
- Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (Taylor & Francis)
- AI techniques in cybersecurity applications.
- International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics (Inderscience)
- Electronic security and digital forensics methods and techniques.
- Security Science Journal
- Multidisciplinary approaches to security science, including cybersecurity.
- Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy (MDPI)
- Both technical and policy aspects of cybersecurity and privacy.
- Information Management & Computer Security (Emerald)
- Managing information systems security and protection.
- International Journal of Security and Networks (Inderscience)
- Security challenges in networks and distributed systems.
- Security and Privacy (Wiley)
- Cutting-edge research on security, privacy, and trustworthy systems.
- Journal of Information Warfare
- Information warfare, including cyber warfare and security strategies.
List Of Scopus Indexed Journals 2025 For Computer Science
2025 List of Scopus Indexed Journals for Computer Science are listed below, we help you publish your paper quickly by following the right guidelines. Check out the journals and their specific focus areas. | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | 09241868 | Computer Science |
2. | Vascular Cell | 2045824X | Computer Science |
3. | Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 15 Vychislitel’naya Matematika i Kibernetika | 01370782 | Computer Science |
4. | Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta, Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki | 19918615 | Computer Science |
5. | Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Prikladnaya Matematika, Informatika, Protsessy Upravleniya | 18119905 | Computer Science |
6. | Wireless Networks(United Kingdom) | 23661186 | Computer Science |
7. | Wireless Personal Communications | 09296212 | Computer Science |
8. | Wireless Power Transfer | 20528418 | Computer Science |
9. | Wirtschaftsinformatik | 09376429 | Computer Science |
10. | WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health | 17433525 | Computer Science |
11. | VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems | 20595891 | Computer Science |
12. | Virtual and Physical Prototyping | 17452759 | Computer Science |
13. | Virtual Archaeology Review | 19899947 | Computer Science |
14. | Virtual Creativity | 23979704 | Computer Science |
15. | Virtual Reality | 13594338 | Computer Science |
16. | Telecom | 26734001 | Computer Science |
17. | Telecommunications Policy | 03085961 | Computer Science |
18. | Telematics and Informatics | 07365853 | Computer Science |
19. | Telemedicine Reports | 26924366 | Computer Science |
20. | Telephony | 00402656 | Computer Science |
21. | Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies | 19474040 | Computer Science |
22. | Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing | 15598136 | Computer Science |
23. | Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services | 1947945X | Computer Science |
24. | Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing | 19339011 | Computer Science |
25. | Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing | 19321236 | Computer Science |
26. | 3D Printing in Medicine | 23656271 | Computer Science |
27. | 3D Research | 20926731 | Computer Science |
28. | 4OR | 16194500 | Computer Science |
29. | AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali | 03650359 | Computer Science |
30. | Accounting, Management and Information Technologies | 09598022 | Computer Science |
31. | Advances in Bioinformatics | 16878027 | Computer Science |
32. | Advances in Chemical Physics | 00652385 | Computer Science |
33. | Advances in Computational Design | 23838477 | Computer Science |
34. | Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | 21916586 | Computer Science |
35. | Advances in Computers | 00652458 | Computer Science |
36. | Big Data and Cognitive Computing | 25042289 | Computer Science |
37. | Big Data and Society | 20539517 | Computer Science |
38. | Big Data Mining and Analytics | 20960654 | Computer Science |
39. | Big Data Research | 22145796 | Computer Science |
40. | Big Earth Data | 20964471 | Computer Science |
41. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems | 16734785 | Computer Science |
42. | CAD Computer Aided Design | 00104485 | Computer Science |
43. | CALICO Journal | 20569017 | Computer Science |
44. | CAL-laborate International | 18360858 | Computer Science |
45. | CALL-EJ | 21879036 | Computer Science |
46. | Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays | 10072780 | Computer Science |
47. | Chinese Journal of Network and Information Security | 2096109X | Computer Science |
48. | Chinese Journal on Internet of Things | 20963750 | Computer Science |
49. | Chinese Language Learning Sciences | 25201719 | Computer Science |
50. | Chongqing Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Chongqing University | 1000582X | Computer Science |
51. | Combinatorics Probability and Computing | 09635483 | Computer Science |
52. | CommIT Journal | 19792484 | Computer Science |
53. | Communication Research and Practice | 22063374 | Computer Science |
54. | Communication, Culture and Critique | 17539129 | Computer Science |
55. | Communications and Control Engineering | 01785354 | Computer Science |
56. | Computational Linguistics | 08912017 | Computer Science |
57. | Computational Materials Science | 09270256 | Computer Science |
58. | Computational Mechanics | 01787675 | Computer Science |
59. | Computational Methods and Function Theory | 16179447 | Computer Science |
60. | Computational Methods in Applied Sciences | 18713033 | Computer Science |
61. | Computing (Vienna/New York) | 0010485X | Computer Science |
62. | Computing and Control Engineering Journal | 09563385 | Computer Science |
63. | Computing and Informatics | 13359150 | Computer Science |
64. | Computing and Software for Big Science | 25102044 | Computer Science |
65. | Computing and Visualization in Science | 14329360 | Computer Science |
66. | Cybernetica | 00114227 | Computer Science |
67. | Cybernetics and Information Technologies | 13119702 | Computer Science |
68. | Cybernetics and Physics | 22237038 | Computer Science |
69. | Cybernetics and Systems | 01969722 | Computer Science |
70. | Cybernetics and Systems Analysis | 10600396 | Computer Science |
71. | Design Journal | 14606925 | Computer Science |
72. | Design Research Foundations | 23664622 | Computer Science |
73. | Design Studies | 0142694X | Computer Science |
74. | Designs for Learning | 20017480 | Computer Science |
75. | Designs, Codes, and Cryptography | 09251022 | Computer Science |
76. | Digital Threats: Research and Practice | 25765337 | Computer Science |
77. | Diqiu Kexue – Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science – Journal of China University of Geosciences | 10002383 | Computer Science |
78. | Discrete and Computational Geometry | 01795376 | Computer Science |
79. | Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science | 26584670 | Computer Science |
80. | Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science | 14627264 | Computer Science |
81. | Heritage Science | 20507445 | Computer Science |
82. | Hewlett-Packard Journal | 00181153 | Computer Science |
83. | High Technology Letters | 10066748 | Computer Science |
84. | High-Confidence Computing | 26672952 | Computer Science |
85. | Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation | 13883690 | Computer Science |
86. | IEE Proceedings: Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation | 13502417 | Computer Science |
87. | IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics | 13502433 | Computer Science |
88. | IEE Proceedings: Radar, Sonar and Navigation | 13502395 | Computer Science |
89. | IEE Proceedings: Software | 14625970 | Computer Science |
90. | IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal Processing | 1350245X | Computer Science |
91. | Games for health journal | 2161783X | Computer Science |
92. | Gene Regulation and Systems Biology | 11776250 | Computer Science |
93. | Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines | 13892576 | Computer Science |
94. | Geographic Information Sciences | 10824006 | Computer Science |
95. | GeoInformatica | 13846175 | Computer Science |
96. | Foundations of Computational Mathematics | 16153375 | Computer Science |
97. | Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences | 08676356 | Computer Science |
98. | Foundations of Data Science | 26398001 | Computer Science |
99. | Foundry Trade Journal International | 17589789 | Computer Science |
100. | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | 26248212 | Computer Science |
101. | Enterprise Information Systems | 17517575 | Computer Science |
102. | Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures | 18663621 | Computer Science |
103. | Entertainment Computing | 18759521 | Computer Science |
104. | Entropy | 10994300 | Computer Science |
105. | Environmental Modelling and Software | 13648152 | Computer Science |
106. | Ecological Informatics | 15749541 | Computer Science |
107. | Ecological Psychology | 10407413 | Computer Science |
108. | Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research | 0424267X | Computer Science |
109. | EContent | 15252531 | Computer Science |
110. | ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology | 22869131 | Computer Science |
111. | New Generation Computing | 02883635 | Computer Science |
112. | New Mathematics and Natural Computation | 17930057 | Computer Science |
113. | New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia | 13614568 | Computer Science |
114. | New Review of Information Networking | 13614576 | Computer Science |
115. | Newsletter of the IRE Professional Group on Audio | 21683018 | Computer Science |
116. | Observational Studies | 27673324 | Computer Science |
117. | Observatorio | 08748810 | Computer Science |
118. | Ocean Modelling | 14635003 | Computer Science |
119. | OCLC Newsletter | 0163898X | Computer Science |
120. | OCLC Systems and Services | 1065075X | Computer Science |
121. | Pattern Recognition | 00313203 | Computer Science |
122. | Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis | 10546618 | Computer Science |
123. | Pattern Recognition Letters | 01678655 | Computer Science |
124. | PC AI | 08940711 | Computer Science |
125. | PC World (San Francisco, CA) | 07378939 | Computer Science |
126. | Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications | 15694410 | Computer Science |
127. | Physics of Life Reviews | 15710645 | Computer Science |
128. | Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion | 11338482 | Computer Science |
129. | PLoS Computational Biology | 1553734X | Computer Science |
130. | Policy and Internet | 19442866 | Computer Science |
131. | Proceedings of the Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, TOOLS | 15302067 | Computer Science |
132. | Proceedings of the IEEE | 00189219 | Computer Science |
133. | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Smart Infrastructure and Construction |
| Computer Science |
134. | Proceedings of the International Symposium on System Synthesis | 10801820 | Computer Science |
135. | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series | 15612430 | Computer Science |
136. | QSAR and Combinatorial Science | 1611020X | Computer Science |
137. | Quantitative Biology | 20954689 | Computer Science |
138. | Quantum Information and Computation | 15337146 | Computer Science |
139. | Quantum Information Processing | 15700755 | Computer Science |
140. | Quantum Machine Intelligence | 25244906 | Computer Science |
141. | Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing | 15673200 | Computer Science |
142. | Requirements Engineering | 09473602 | Computer Science |
143. | Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences | 24523666 | Computer Science |
144. | Research in Learning Technology | 21567069 | Computer Science |
145. | Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology | 20407459 | Computer Science |
146. | Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis | 27305716 | Computer Science |
147. | Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences | 19826907 | Computer Science |
148. | Satellite Navigation | 26629291 | Computer Science |
149. | Scalable Computing | 18951767 | Computer Science |
150. | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 09050167 | Computer Science |
151. | SIGCSE Bulletin Inroads | 10963936 | Computer Science |
152. | SIGIR Forum (ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval) | 01635840 | Computer Science |
153. | SIGMOD Record | 01635808 | Computer Science |
154. | Signal Processing | 01651684 | Computer Science |
155. | Signal Processing: Image Communication | 09235965 | Computer Science |
156. | Statistical Analysis and Data Mining | 19321864 | Computer Science |
157. | Statistical Theory and Related Fields | 24754269 | Computer Science |
158. | Statistics and Computing | 09603174 | Computer Science |
159. | Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing | 2311004X | Computer Science |
160. | STEAM-H: Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics and Health | 2520193X | Computer Science |
161. | Sustainable Operations and Computers | 26664127 | Computer Science |
162. | Swarm and Evolutionary Computation | 22106502 | Computer Science |
163. | Swarm Intelligence | 19353812 | Computer Science |
164. | Symmetry | 20738994 | Computer Science |
165. | Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | 19394608 | Computer Science |
166. | Transactions on Data Privacy | 18885063 | Computer Science |
167. | Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems | 15399087 | Computer Science |
168. | Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing | 25208519 | Computer Science |
169. | Transform | 15342832 | Computer Science |
170. | Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy | 17506166 | Computer Science |
171. | Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie | 16846427 | Computer Science |
172. | Memetic Computing | 18659284 | Computer Science |
173. | Mendel | 18033814 | Computer Science |
174. | Meridian (Raleigh) | 10979778 | Computer Science |
175. | Methods, Data, Analyses | 18646956 | Computer Science |
176. | Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics | 16137736 | Computer Science |
177. | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing | 18651348 | Computer Science |
178. | Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics | 22129391 | Computer Science |
179. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) | 03029743 | Computer Science |
180. | Lecture Notes in Educational Technology | 21964963 | Computer Science |
181. | Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications | 15387887 | Computer Science |
182. | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | 09638687 | Computer Science |
183. | Journal of Supercomputing | 09208542 | Computer Science |
184. | Journal of System and Management Sciences | 18166075 | Computer Science |
185. | Journal of Systems and Information Technology | 13287265 | Computer Science |
186. | Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications | 09210296 | Computer Science |
187. | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | 09259902 | Computer Science |
188. | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | 09565515 | Computer Science |
189. | Journal of Intelligent Systems | 03341860 | Computer Science |
190. | Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things | 2769786X | Computer Science |
191. | ITU News | 10204148 | Computer Science |
192. | Izvestiya Instituta Matematiki i Informatiki Udmurtskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta | 22263594 | Computer Science |
193. | Izvestiya of Saratov University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics | 18169791 | Computer Science |
194. | Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Radioelektronika | 00213470 | Computer Science |
195. | J Cybern | 00220280 | Computer Science |
196. | International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies | 17558050 | Computer Science |
197. | International Journal of Data and Network Science | 25618148 | Computer Science |
198. | International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics | 17485673 | Computer Science |
199. | International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management | 17591163 | Computer Science |
200. | International Journal of Data Science and Analytics | 2364415X | Computer Science |