Nam File in Ns2 Download

       As the matter of fact, you can easily download the network simulator 2 in Nam file along with some instructions. Through this article, our research professionals have enlisted required process to download the packages based on network simulator 2 in Nam file.

Download and Install Ns2 and Nam

      Initially, we have to download the network animator which is popularly known as Nam and it is defined as the graphical representation of network traces and real world packet traces. Then, to download and install Ns2 and Nam we have to implement the below mentioned commands.

sudo apt-get install ns2

sudo apt-get purge nam

wget –user-agent=”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1″ “”


sudo dpkg -i nam_1.14_amd64.deb

sudo apt-mark hold nam

Open Nam File

         In addition, we have to open the Nam tool using the following code in network simulator 2 main TCL file.

exec nam out.nam &

          Then, we will acquire the Nam console window which is highlighted as the pictographic representation.

Nam Console Window

         At that moment, we have to go to the file menu, select the open option and auto generated nam trace file from the Ns2 simulation.

Selection of Auto Generated Nam Trace File

         As well, the research scholars can research us to acquire more research assistance based on the process of downloading network simulator 2 in Nam file.