Nam in Computer Network

The network animator is abbreviated as Nam and it is deployed to provide the dynamic visualization of packets and the pass over the links of networks in computer network. In addition, nam is denoted as the provision of graphical user interface along with various simulation environments based on the parameters which are specified over the user.

Generation of Nam Trace in Ns2

To generate the Nam trace file, we have to change the main file location of Ns2 through the execution of network simulator 2.

cd /home/research/computer_network_simulation

sudo ./ns SimulationMainFile.tcl

Then, we have highlighted the acquired Ns2 simulation based auto generated trace file along with the file extension of .nam.

Ns2 Simulation Based Auto Generator Files

Run Nam in Computer Network Simulation

As the consequent process, we have to change the auto generator trace file location and execution of the nam which is executable file over the execution of below mentioned. In addition, we have to execute the below mentioned commands to run and start the Nam tool.

cd /home/research/computer_network_simulation

sudo ./nam

For your reference, we have highlighted the result which is acquired through the auto generated Nam trace files.

Selection of Auto Generated Nam Trace File

If you guys are suffering to execute the Nam in computer then just call us to clarify the issues!!!