Network Animator Nam

Let’s get to know about the significance of network animator (Nam) with the assistance of our research experts.

The network animator is defined as one of the Tcl animation tools which is used to view the network simulation traces and real time traces in packet data. The nam file is denoted as the specific program to integrate the Ns2 simulator to read an input file and draw the network events graphically based on auto generated trace file.

Install Nam

Here, we have shown the process to install Nam for Ns2 in Ubuntu and for that we have to implement the commands highlighted below in the terminal window.

sudo apt-get install nam

Installation of Nam

Code to Nam in Tcl Script

For your ease, we have highlighted some Tcl script code to perform the Nam based simulation process.

  • Create object for Nam trace file

set nsobj [new Simulator]

set namobj [open out.nam w]

$ nsobj namtrace-all $ namobj

  • Close simulation and execution of Nam trace file

global nsobj namobj

 $nsobj flush-trace

 close $namobj

 exec nam out.nam &

If you are looking for the best assistance based on the appropriate network animator Nam then you guys can reach us.