Network Simulator Software

Overview of Simulator Software

         Emulating the characteristics of the modeled network along with various testing process in the controllable and repeatable environment is denoted as the network simulation software. The process of simulation is used to understand the alterations with performance of anticipation of further application and configuration deployment.

Primary Utilizations of Simulator Software

           Our research professionals have years of experience in this field and they have enlisted the significant processes if simulator software.

  • The network model is developed through the connection among the third party visualizations, real network and OTB
  • The well matched structural design of windows and linux with 64 bit multiprocessor
  • It is considered as the cost effective lab based risk reduction technology and it provides answers for the business critical and mission critical issues
  • Fidelity models are high with the representation of the characteristics of real world network and to provide some appropriate results
  • It is considered as the high efficient process which permits rapid real time simulation for the productivity optimization
  • It includes the scalability of several nodes which permits the real time simulation and optimization productivity

Substantial Modules in Network Simulator Software

           We have enlisted the notable modules in network simulation software for your references our experts have highlighted them with its functions.

  • Emulate
  • It is deployed for the verification of numbers based on the ACK packet transmission process
  • Test
  • It is permitting the enabled modules that are created with the static build based on Darwin for the authentication of created packages
  • Virtual net device
  • It is the execution of virtual netdevice and that is used as the representative of the user call back process and that is mainly functioning for the task packet transmission. In addition, this process permits the user code to inject the packet where it is received through the virtual net device

Notable Classes in Network Simulator Software

          Hereby, we have listed down the major supportive classes which are useful for the network simulator software. Our research experts have explained the detailed description of the classes in the following.

  • LteAmc
  • This model is related to the 10% of BER for the RSRQ measurements
  • A2A4RsqHandoverAlgorithm
  • It is deployed as the execution of handover algorithm based on the RSRQ measurements
  • FfMacScheduler
  • It is utilized as the ff mac scheduler process and it is used to execute the process SCHED SAP and CSCHED SAP for the process of round robin scheduler abstract class

Integrated Tools in Network Simulation Software

         Our research professionals in network simulator software have enlisted the significant list of tools that are required for the integration of simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE) along with the functions of Matlab in network simulation process.

Essential Programming Languages in Network Simulation Software

         The essential programming languages used in the research projects based on network simulator software are highlighted in the following. During the project implementation, the research scholars can select any language and with the support of our research experts with complete guidance.

  • OMNeT++
  • Network files
  • C++
  • Ns3
  • C++
  • Ns2
  • TCL script

OS Support in Network Simulator Software

         The required operating systems for network simulator software based projects are listed down. The research scholars can contact us additional enquires about the implementation process.

  • Ubuntu – 14.04
  • Windows – 7 (64 bit)

Tools Versions in Network Simulator Software

       Hereby, we have listed out the version to implement network simulator software. In the same way, research scholars may have different versions for their research implementation.

  • OPNET – 18.00
  • OMNeT++
  • Ns – 3.31
  • Ns – 2.14

Required Protocols in Network Simulator Software

       The process of network simulator software includes the two significant processes along with the types of network management protocols and they are highlighted in the following.

  • ICMP
  • The abbreviation of ICMP is internet control message protocol and that is deployed in the diagnostic functions and it is the managed device for the network with the protocol with the send error messages and that provides the information for the issues based on connectivity among the devices
  • SNMP
  • Simple network management protocol is abbreviated as SNMP which is deployed to monitor and regulate the network devices and it is related to the TCP protocol to permit the users to view and alter the end point data

Topical Subjects in Network Simulator Software

         To tell the truth, there are several subject subjects to precede the research in network simulator software. For instance, we have highlighted only few in the following.

  • Optical network
  • The signals are encoded in light to transmit the information for the communication is called optical networking and it is functioning in several types of telecommunication networks. In addition, this process includes the limited range of wide area networks and local area networks and they are situated in transoceanic, international, long distance national, regional and metropolitan networks
  • Mobile security
  • The mobile device security is considered as the measures that are protected to the sensitive information to store and transmit the data over the wearables, tablets, smartphones, laptops and some other portable devices. The main intension of this process is to be protective from the unauthorized users in network

Major Parameters in Network Simulator Software

        Parameter plays the significant role while evaluating the results of research project after completing the research. Consequently, our research experts have highlighted the parameters based on network simulator software.

  • Load balance
  • It is increased in the number of packets to the network receivers responses and it is measured as the response time
  • Network lifetime
  • The total amount of energy is consumed through the energy consumption in all the nodes based on network and it is measured through the number of rounds

Subject Based Modules in Network Simulator Software

  • ieee80211
  • It is deployed to perform the processes based on ieee80211
  • xcp
  • It is performing as the xcp packet transmission process

Significant Syntax in Network Simulator Software

         Let us take a look at process of syntax in network simulator software, this considered as the simulation setup for experimental results in the research project related to the secure message process.

(Ipv4InterfaceContainer & i,
int nodeId,
Time totalTime,
uint32_t wavePacketSize, // bytes
Time waveInterval,
double gpsAccuracyNs,
std::vector rangesSq, // m ^2
std::vector *
int chAccessMode,
Time txMaxDelay)
m_unirv =
CreateObject ();
m_TotalSimTime = totalTime;
m_wavePacketSize = wavePacketSize;
m_waveInterval = waveInterval;
m_gpsAccuracyNs = gpsAccuracyNs;
int size = rangesSq.size ();
m_waveBsmStats = waveBsmStats;
m_nodesMoving = nodesMoving;
m_chAccessMode = chAccessMode;
m_txSafetyRangesSq.clear ();
m_txSafetyRangesSq.resize (size, 0);
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
// stored as square of value, for
optimization m_txSafetyRangesSq[index] =
m_adhocTxInterfaces = &i;
m_nodeId = nodeId;
m_txMaxDelay = txMaxDelay;
(Ptr socket, uint32_t pktSize,
uint32_t pktCount,
Time pktInterval,
// more packets to send?
if (pktCount > 0)
// for now, we cannot tell if each node has
// started mobility. so, as an
// only send if this node is moving
// if not, then skip
int txNodeId = sendingNodeId;
Ptr txNode = GetNode
Ptr txPosition = txNode->GetObject ();
NS_ASSERT (txPosition != 0);
int senderMoving = m_nodesMoving->at (txNodeId);
if (senderMoving != 0)
// send it!
socket->Send (Create
(pktSize)); // count it
m_waveBsmStats->IncTxPktCount ();
m_waveBsmStats->IncTxByteCount (pktSize);
int wavePktsSent =
m_waveBsmStats->GetTxPktCount ();
if ((m_waveBsmStats->GetLogging () != 0) && ((wavePktsSent % 1000) == 0))
NS_LOG_UNCOND ("Sending WAVE pkt # " << wavePktsSent );
// find other nodes within range that would be
// expected to receive this broadbast int nRxNodes =
m_adhocTxInterfaces->GetN ();

for (int i = 0; i < nRxNodes; i++) {
Ptr rxNode = GetNode (i);
int rxNodeId = rxNode->GetId ();
if (rxNodeId != txNodeId)
Ptr rxPosition = rxNode->GetObject ();
NS_ASSERT (rxPosition != 0);
// confirm that the receiving node
// has also started moving in the scenario
// if it has not started moving, then
// it is not a candidate to receive a packet
int receiverMoving = m_nodesMoving->at (rxNodeId);
if (receiverMoving == 1)
double distSq = MobilityHelper::GetDistanceSquaredBetween (txNode, rxNode);
if (distSq > 0.0)
// dest node within range? int rangeCount =
m_txSafetyRangesSq.size ();
for (int index = 1; index <= rangeCount; index++)
if (distSq <=
m_txSafetyRangesSq[index - 1])
// we should expect dest node to receive broadcast pkt
m_waveBsmStats->IncExpectedRxPktCount (index);

// every BSM must be scheduled with a tx time delay
// of +/- (5) ms. See comments in StartApplication().
// we handle this as a tx delay of [0..10] ms
// from the start of the pktInterval boundary
uint32_t d_ns = static_cast (m_txMaxDelay.GetInteger ());
Time txDelay = NanoSeconds (m_unirv->GetInteger (0, d_ns));
// do not want the tx delay to be cumulative, so
// deduct the previous delay value. thus we adjust
// to schedule the next event at the next pktInterval,
// plus some new [0..10] ms tx delay Time txTime = pktInterval - m_prevTxDelay + txDelay;
m_prevTxDelay = txDelay;
Simulator::ScheduleWithContext (socket->GetNode ()->GetId (),
&BsmApplication::GenerateWaveTraffic, this,
socket, pktSize,
pktCount - 1, pktInterval, socket->GetNode ()->GetId ());
socket->Close ();

Prominent Applications in Network Simulator Software

          Basically, research scholars know more information about each and every module of network simulator software. Thus, we provide complete support for research scholars to collect more knowledge and implement process of the modules in network simulator software.

  • Overlapped community detection
  • It is considered as the process of some common characteristics in the real time networks and that is relatively with the tiny fraction with overlapping nodes which are included in the several communities and that is utilizing the structure of information of nodes

Vital Algorithms in Network Simulator Software

          Our research experts in network simulator software are well versed in all the algorithms and protocols which are essential for development of research projects. Below, we have listed the algorithm which is essential for network simulator software.

  • Hybrid data aggregation algorithm
  • It is deployed to provide the data processing in real time and the initial network is constructed as the cluster member and they are elected with the ranking process of sensors based on the locations in base stations energy level and the aggregation steps are applied with the real time application process in every sensor node and they are functioning as the energy efficient process
  • Clique percolation theory
  • It is deployed to analyze the overlapping community with the structural design of networks and the network community is proceeded as the unique definition of process which is defined as the collection of nodes are connected with one another in the network

Latest Areas in Network Simulator Software

          We have listed down the most novel research areas in network simulator software for the research scholars to get a quick grasp over the research subjects.

  • Opportunistic mobile social network
  • The users based on this network are communicating to circulate and share the data to meet the requirements of various applications and the networks are attractive with the tremendous attention for the transmission of requirements through the applications including the smart cities and IoT

Foremost Process in Network Simulator Software

          Let us take a glace about the complete process which is implemented in the network simulator software based on the approaches for reduction of energy consumption in wireless sensor networks.

  • Utilization of sensor nodes in 2D Gaussian distribution
  • Cluster formation
  • Calculation of cluster heads
  • Message broadcast
  • Modification of TDMS schedule
  • Sending sensed data through sensor nodes
  • Data aggregation

Key Steps in Network Simulator Software

          Our research professionals have listed out some steps which is required for the implementation process of network simulator software.

  • Starting the process
  • Problem definition
  • Modification of source code
  • Compile OTCL script
  • Implementation of simulation
  • Simulation result analysis

Routing Process in Network Simulator Software

          We have several years of experience in this research field and accomplished several projects for the researchers. So, our experts have the finest knowledge about the required routing protocols for network simulator software. From multiple research protocols, we have highlighted one for your reference.

  • Generally, routing is considered as the inter network process which is effective to direct the transmission of data across the connected networks
  • Bridges are functioning as the route data over the network towards the destination host and there are some routing process in link layers
  • The gateways and routers are deployed to connect the networks with various types of network layers

Innovative Research Project Titles in Network Simulator Software

          Researchers may feel hard to select a research topic in particular domain. To make that task easy, our research professionals are providing a wide range of support for the research students in topics selection. Now, take a glance over the significant research topics based on network simulator software along with the implementation screenshots in the following.