Ns2 for Mac

Let’s have the discussion based on the execution of network simulator 2 specifically in the Mac over this article.

Step: 1 Download Xcode and Ns2 for Mac

Here, we have highlighted the web links that are used to download the X code and network simulator 2 for Mac.

  • To download Xcode, we have to click this below mentioned URL


  • To download the packages based on network simulator 2, we have to click the following web page


Step: 2 Install Ns2 for Mac

We have to execute the below mentioned steps for the installation of network simulator 2 in Mac.

  • First, we have to install the Xcode
  • Then, we have to unzip the Ns2.35 using the commands highlighted below

tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.35-xxx.tar.gz

  • Following that, we have add the paths for directories because the Ns2 configuration files includes the path such as xlibdir and xincdir
  • Subsequently, we have to ensure the paths such as xlibdir and xincdir have to be installed in the Mac OS
  • Then, we have to execute the commands ./install inside the directory namely ~ns-allinone-2.35-xxx/
  • After completing the installation process, we have to acquire the path setting information
  • Then, copy and paste the information in a file namely .profile or .bash_profile

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