NS2 NS3 Projects is one of our major services started with the collaborative efforts of network researchers and also dedicated professionals with an only motive to serve students as per their needs and requirements. In this NS2 and NS3, both are open source network simulators used for the simulation of wired and wireless networks. NS3 is not an evolution of NS2; it is developed from scratch to overcome the backward compatibility of NS2. We also offer project guidance on both NS-2 and NS-3 for students, who aid for our guidance to excel their academic performance.
We also have developed nearly 1000+ NS2 NS3 projects for students from all over the world with an only motive to share our innovative and ingenious ideas to upgrade student’s project quality and also standard. You can also approach us with your project need to get our complete guidance and support by just clicking one mail/call to us. We will be back to you with our expert’s team of researcher also to serve you with our expertise and experience at 24/7.
- NS2 is also a discrete event object oriented simulator which provides simulation environment for wired and wireless networks.
- Supported tools[Trace graph, AWK scripting, also NAM, X-Graph]
- Open Source discrete event simulator compose of C++ and also OTCL.OTCL is an interpreter also used to execute the commands.
- C++ provides faster execution also to achieve efficiency and also used to provide detailed description, operation and also definition of packets, protocols and processing time.
- OTCL[object oriented extension of TCL] is also used to define network topology, applications and protocols also that users tend to simulate
- In OTCL can use compile C++ object through OTCL linkage, which creates a matching between C++ and also OTCL Objects
- In NS2, whenever a TCL file runs, it produces two output files:
- -NAM [visual graphical window which shows the node movement, packet transfer and also radio range etc]
- -TRACE file[records the data also for each millisecond and provides output regarding packets send, dropped, received, consumption of energy transmitted, initial energy of nodes, idle power and also sleep power]
Important Network tools to generate NS2 simulation apart from TCL code are:
- –NScript
- -NSG Jar files
- -TCL 830.exe
- -Mannasim generator
Used to create:
- -Traffic sources[FTP, Web, CBR,TELNET, also stochastic traffic]
- -Satellite, terrestrial and wireless networks also using various routing protocols[like LS,DV,PIM, DSR, AODV]
- -Failure scenario[includes probabilistic loss, also deterministic and link failure]
- -Numerous queuing disciplines[DRR, drop-tail, RED, SFQ, FQ] and Quality of service[Diffserv and also IntServ]
- It is a discrete event simulator, written in C++ with python binding script used for the simulation of IP and also Non-IP based Networks.
- And also it is mainly used also for networking research and education, with an emphasis on layer 2-4 of the OSI stack[including IPv4, IPv6 and next generation(Non-IP) networks]
- Open source network simulator which is develop from scratch to replace NS2.
- It is designed as a set of libraries which can also combine together and can also used with external software libraries.
- NS3 can used with several external animators, data analysis and also visualization tools.
- Visualization tools used in NS2[PyViz, NetAnim] and Data Analysis tools[Rtool]
- Platform support[Unix and Linux based system, also Windows(Cygwin)]
- Tools used[WAF, Bonnmotion, Trace metrics, TCP tool, also GNU plot etc]
-Provides support for:
- Construction of Virtual Networks[nodes, applications and also channels]
- Focused on Internet based and other packet network systems using items like topology generators, event schedulers and also timers
- Network Emulation support[Emits and also consumes real network packets]
- Provide support for network animation, logging, tracing and also computing statistics on the simulation output
- Distributed Simulation support[also Provides simulation support across multiple processors and machines]
- Cognitive Radio Networks
- Mobile Networks
- 5G heterogeneous Networks
- Device to device communication
- Under water sensor Networks
- Social Sensor Networks
- Optical Networks
- Voice over Internet protocol
- Wireless security and cryptography
- IPv4 and IPv6
- Satellite Networks
- Underwater wireless optical CDMA Network
- Vehicular visible light communication
- Cognitive optical wireless network
- Body Area Networks
- Wireless sensor also in Networks
- Wireless Ad hoc Networks etc
Hope you would have got an insight about NS2-NS3 projects. We have provide an overview about NS-2 and also NS-3 Network simulator along with few major research areas, also for students to get a crisp knowledge about network simulators. We also provide support for all types of Network simulators, but in this article, we also have emphasize only on NS-2 and NS-3 due to its vast research scope. You can also refer our other articles to get more information about other Network simulators. For further guidance on NS-2 and also NS-3 simulators, approach our experts through our online tutoring service. Our experts are available to serve you at 24/7.