OMNeT Installation

           Are you people want to know about the installation of OMNeT? Then stay tuned!!! Our technical professionals have described the process of installation through this handout.

Step: 1 OMNeT-5.0 Package Download

       As the first process, we have to download the OMNeT++ packages using the below mentioned URL,


Link to Download OMNeT

Step: 2 Configuration of OMNeT++ 5.0 Packages

           The downloaded packages based on OMNeT++ has to be configured through the implementation of the below mentioned commands in mingwenv window.

. setenv


Configuration of OMNeT

Step: 3 Installation of OMNeT++ 5.0 Packages

         Finally, the packages based on OMNeT++ have to be installed through the execution of the below mentioned commands in mingwenv window.


Installation of OMNeT

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