Project ME
Project ME is The Network Simulator (Version 2) is widely use as NS-2. An event driven simulation tool is named as NS-2 which is simple in nature. The dynamic nature of communication networks prove in the education field. By using NS-2 simulator both the wired as well as wireless network functions and protocols (e.g., routing algorithms, TCP, UDP) can be simulated. In general, a way of specifying such network protocols and simulating their corresponding behaviors to users are provide by Ns-2. In the year of 1989 the NS2 has gain constant popularity in the networking research community due to its flexibility and modular nature.
The network simulation is a technology which is use in communication and computer network research like Project ME. In This behavior of a network is model by the program. By using mathematical formulas the interaction between the different network entities (hosts/packets, etc.) calculate. Actually, from a production network the capturing and playing back observations. The behavior of the network and the various applications and services it supports can then observe in a test lab; In a controlled manner various attributes of the environment can also be modify to assess how the network would behave under different conditions.
We offer all the possible options with Project-me. In terms of hardware projects or simulations use in Project-me. Here, in various technologies we offer real time Project and domains. We also develop Project-me in embedded systems, VLSI projects, and DSP Projects or simulation projects. In MATLAB we offer Project with simulations and also in Virtual Instrumentation. Our company has a dedicate team of experts and industry consultants that are offering project for Projects.
We check the feasibility of every M-E before we offer it to the students. The projects M-E / M Tech or in general PG students related to ECE, EEE and Instrumentation departments also offer by us. all technologies and tools associated with these departments are handle for final year Projects in almost.
ME projects
Sometimes in higher study or job Projects decide by the student’s specialization area. So one can learn how to lead the team and gives student to work in group. And the students can learn what is team work and what is the importance of collective efforts in any problem or projects. In an efficient manner Project m-e are develope for all category of students.
M-E projects includes Computer science, Information technology, Electronics and communication, Electrical and electronics, Electronics and instrumentation. Real time applications also have done engineering projects. Efficiently, the innovative engineering projects also done by our company staffs. All the specializations are implement by our staffs in the Project me. The innovative ideas of students can contact us for implementing with interesting project ideas.
So many different organizations participate in the whole process of keep developing network technologies are growing very fast. The different kinds of technologies or products running on different software on the Internet. The open platforms are always require for the network simulations. That scalable enough to include different efforts and different packages in the simulations of the whole network. The characteristic of internet is structured with a uniform network stack (TCP/IP) that all the different layers techniques can implement differently but with a uniform interface with their neighbore layers.