Run Ns2 in Ubuntu
We are actually going to present you the appropriate article to know about the execution of network simulator 2 in Ubuntu. In fact, this article is going to be a noteworthy one for the process of running Ns2.
Phase: I
First and foremost, we have to install the Ns2 packages in Ubuntu through the execution of below mentioned commands in the Ubuntu terminal window.
sudo apt-get install ns2

Phase: II
To create the Ns2 simulation in Ubuntu, we have to create the tcl based main file in the project location along with 100 nodes and AODV routing protocol configuration. In addition, the C++ source code in Ns2 package installed location is highlighted in the following image.

Phase: III
To run the Ns2 simulation in Ubuntu, we have to execute the below mentioned commands in the Ubuntu terminal window.
cd /home/research/Desktop/ns2_simulation_in_ubuntu
sudo ./ns ns2_simulation_mainFile.tcl

In addition to that, we have highlighted that we have highlighted the result which is acquired through running the Ns2 simulation along with 100 nodes in Ubuntu

If you are still having any issues in the aforementioned processes when it comes into reality by means of execution, just approach us at any time.