What are the Four Files on the Ns2 Simulator
Let’s start this article with the significant list of four substantial files based on the Ns2 simulator.
Four Files on Ns2 Simulator
As the first point, we have highlighted the four types of files that have been used in the process of network simulation based on Ns2 simulators.
- awk
- nam
- C++
- Tcl
Simulation Codes in Ns2 Simulator
For your reference, we have highlighted the simulation codes based in network simulator 2 along with its processes.
- To create source file for protocols and some other processes using C++. The main file is created using TCL script language and the TCL script code has declared the nam file object
set namtrace [open Sensing.nam w]
$ns trace-all $tracefd
- In addition, the nam file in Ns2 simulation is defined as the auto generated trace and the Tcl script code is used to execute the awk file
exec awk -f Delay.awk Spectrum_Sensing.tr > Delay.tr
exec awk -f PDR.awk Spectrum_Sensing.tr > PDR.tr
- The awk is denoted as script file to generate the graph values based on Ns2 simulation
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