What is Nam in Computer Network
In general, the network animator is abbreviated as the nam and it is denoted as the provision of packet level animation, scenario editing capabilities, traditional time event plots of protocol actions and protocol graphs in computer network simulations.
As an additional note, the nam in network simulation is capable to collect the detailed protocol information from the simulation.
Installation of Nam in Ubuntu Using Terminal
To install the nam in Ubuntu, we have to open the terminal window and type the command which is highlighted in the following for the creation of simulation.
sudo apt-get install nam

Tcl Code for Nam Simulation
Hereby, our technical professionals have highlighted the Ns2 based Tcl code along with their specified process.
- Ns2 main Tcl code to create the object for Nam trace files
set ns [new Simulator]
set namtrace [open simulation.nam w]
$ns trace-all $tracefd
$ns namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $val(x) $val(y)
- Ns2 main Tcl code to start the Nam tool and for the execution of Nam trace files
exec nam simulation.nam &
In fact, we have provided the enough data about the execution of Nam mainly in computer networks so make use of it.