What is Ns2 Security

Through this article, our research professionals have depicted significant note which is required to run the security process in the network simulator 2.

Ns2 for Security

Ns2 is supportive for huge number of algorithms for the processes such as queuing and routing. In addition, the cryptography algorithms were deployed to secure the data transmission in which the source code in implemented using C++ programming language.

For your reference, we have highlighted the flow of secure communication along with the utilization of Ns2.

  • C++ program is deployed to secure information and tcl language is used for scenario script
  • Cryptography algorithms were used to secure the packages while transferring in communication process
  • Transfer information package among the nodes as per the two way communication

Security Algorithms in Ns2

Here, our technical professionals have highlighted the notable security algorithms in network simulator 2.

  • Lightweight block cipher (LIGER)
  • Encrypts based on ASCII values of reflection tree (E-ART)
  • Elliptic curve signcryption algorithm (ECSIGN)
  • Camellia encryption algorithm (CEA)
  • Hash based on block cipher (HBC-256)

At last, you guys can just make a call to us to acquire more research assistances about the significance of securities in network simulator 2.