What is the Command to Run the Simulator in Ns2
As the matter of fact, our technical experts have years of experience thus we can provide the appropriate research guidance for the research scholars. In this article, we have deliberated required commands to run the simulator in Ns2.
Installation of Ns2
As the first process, we have download the Ns-allinone-2.35 package from online and install the Ns2 packages through changing the package location over the below mentioned commands execution.
cd ns-allinone-2.35

Following that, we have to implement the below mentioned commands to install the Ns2 in Ubuntu.
sudo ./install

Validation of Ns2 Installation
The execution of following commands is used to check the Ns2 installation and acquire the result as “%” in the terminal window.
cd ns-2.35
sudo ./ns

Run Simulator in Ns2
Here, we have to execute the following commands to run the simulation in Ns2 and for that we have to create the simulation main file in the workspace location.
cd /home/research/simulator_in_NS2
sudo ./ns Main.tcl

Finally, we have highlighted the results that have been acquired through running the simulator in Ns2.

If you have any issues, then reach us to acquire a lot about Ns2 simulator.