Where is Ns2 Installed Ubuntu

This article is considered as the depiction of the file location because sometimes its feel hard to find the file’s location. Here, we have highlighted the location of Ns2 installation in Ubuntu.

Download and Extract Ns2 Package in Ubuntu

Initially, we have to download the packages based on network simulator 2 using the below mentioned URL.


Link to Download Ns2

While completing the process of downloading, we have to copy and paste the downloaded ns-allinone-2.34.tar.gz packages into the home drive.

Copy and Paste Ns2 Package

Following that, we have to right click on the package and select the extract here option to acquire the extracted folder.

Extraction of Result

Install Ns2 in Ubuntu

Most significantly, we have to install the network simulator 2 in Ubuntu over the execution of below mentioned commands.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-2.34

sudo ./install

Ns2 Simulation Execution in Ubuntu

To execute the Ns2 simulation in Ubuntu, we have to change the project workspace location and implement the commands highlighted below to execute the main file.

cd /home/research/Desktop/ns2_simulation

./ns Main.tcl

Execution of Ns2 Installation

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