Which Language is Used in Ns2
In general, the programming language that is mainly deployed for the implementation of network simulator 2 based projects are OTcl / Tcl, C++ and awk. For your reference, we have highlighted some significant process based on Ns2 programming languages.
Significant Languages in Ns2
- OTcl /Tcl
- Tcl script is deployed to define the network simulation in Tcl file with the file extension of .tcl and the main tcl script is stored in project workspace location
- C++
- C+ is deployed to compile the build module and newly proposed modules with the file extension of .cc and .h and the source files are stored in the folder namely Ns 2.35
- Awk
- The awk script is deployed to generate the graph trace file which is based on the simulation execution trace file along with the file extension of .awk and that script is stored in the project workspace location
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