Why Do We Use Ns2

In fact, we have enlisted the most significant deployments based on the network simulator 2 over this article.

Major Utilizations of Ns2

In general, the network simulator 2 is defined as one of the open source and discrete event network simulator for both the wired and wireless network simulations. In addition, we can freely download the packages based on ns-allinone-2.35 through the execution of below mentioned commands in the terminal window.

git clone https://github.com/idmidr/ns-allinone-2.35.git

Downloading Ns2

Creation of New Protocol in Ns2

Through the utilization of network simulator 2, we are capable to create the user defined protocols as per the proposed concepts of the user and for that we have to execute the below mentioned steps.

  • Initially, we have to create the new folder and new protocol source code files in Ns2 installed location ns-allinone-2.35\ns-2.35  along with the file extension of .cc and .h
  • Then, to compile new protocol source files in Ns2, we have to add the .cc file name with the location in Makefile.in file
  • Following that, we have to compile the newly created protocol through implementing the following commands

cd ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/

sudo ./configure

sudo make

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