IEEE Draft Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies Amendment Support of New MAC/PHYs and enhancements [ NS2 PROJECTS]

Note that the same PTI were processed at each position in the same order. Data acquisition achieved, WGMSI cartographies were computed considering two frequency bandwidths, and and EM traces corresponding A survey of Internet security risk over social networks IEEE Draft Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies Amendment  Support of New MAC/PHYs and enhancements to the whole DES course IEEE Draft Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies Amendment  Support of New MAC/PHYs and enhancements The first bandwidth is the full bandwidth of our acquisition chain, while the second one has been chosen to keep only the emissions of the P/G network according to Tables  and  give the WGMSI values in both cases after normalization done so that the maximum WGMSI value corresponds to and the minimum one to Note that black cells point out positions with WGMSI values lower than As shown, the DES and part of P/G rails in which flows its switching current generate data dependent EM emissions mainly in left side of the cartographies. In a second stage, DEMA and CEMA IEEE Draft Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies Amendment  Support of New MAC/PHYs and enhancements, considering the Hamming IEEE Draft Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies Amendment  Support of New MAC/PHYs and enhancements Distance Model were performed; both attacks targeted the last round of the Pearson’s correlation.The first criterion was the measurements to disclosure with stability  MTDwS adopted during the DPA contest Its evaluation resumes in detecting and storing, while the number of processed traces increases, the beginning of the first sequence of successive right guesses of the key. Tables IV and V show normalized MTDwS values forDEMAand CEMA. The normalization has been done so that a value means that of EM traces have been processed to reach the first sequence of successive right guesses. IEEE Draft Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies Amendment  Support of New MAC/PHYs and enhancements Black cells indicate positions at which the MTDwS is greater than or positions at which the attack failed.Finally, the second criterion is the percentage of right guesses  PRG obtained after the processing of  traces. results. Black cells point out positions with a PRG value lower than Comparing these tables highlights of several results. First, indicate that the DES and part of the overall P/G network supplyingit are localized mainly on the left of the core as expected from the floorplan. show that WGMSI and MTDwS cartographies have similarities. Indeed, most positions with high MTDwS values are mainly on the right part of the cartographies as positions with low WGMSI values. IEEE Draft Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies Amendment  Support of New MAC/PHYs and enhancements To better support this observation, correlations between WGMSI cartographies and, all other ones have been computed. gives the results. Note that to compute the correlations involving MTDwS, we considered MTDwS equal to BETWEEN WGMSI AND MTDWS, PRG VALUES DoM obtained positions where attacks were unsuccessful. As shown, there are correlations between these cartographies. This demonstrates the interest of WGMSI to localize hot spots. Note that higher correlation values are obtained for the frequency bandwidth According this means that the most leaking points are part of the P/G network. GLOBAL MAGNITUDE SQUARED INCOHERENCE If the above results have demonstrated the interest of the WGMSI, they also suggest using MSI to enhance DEMA. Attacking a DES sub-key by DEMA consists in computing DoM according to  and in .