ns2 project in Alaska

ns2 project in Alaska

   ns2 project in Alaska projects such as

Titanium  and HPJava  provide Java dialects

for parallel programming with their own compilers,

while others such as JAVAR [6] and JAVAB

provide parallelizing precompilers. Alternatives to ns2 project in Alaska JVM. These projects provide parallel

Java capabilities by altering the JVM or building a

new one. Examples include JPVM [16] and cJVM.

Mechanisms that enable multithreaded ns2 project in Alaska applications to

transparently utilize the underlying multiprocessor

hardware are incorporated in projects of this

category. This approach requires that the system

distribute the threads among the ns2 project in Alaska distributed processors

without user involvement. Representative

projects include cJVM [4], JavaParty [26], and

ProActive [11]. 4. Pure Java implementations. Projects in this category

provide parallelization facilities in pure ns2 project in Alaska Java implementations,

which make the system portable and

machine independent. Such systems require class

libraries to provide the APIs needed to write parallel

Java applications. ParaWeb [8], Ajents [20], Babylon

[19], and JOPI [23] are some of the examples.

Our literature review [2] revealed that many research

groups are working toward providing ns2 project in Alaska tools and programming

models for parallel Java. Many of the projects provide

message-passing interfaces based on MPI and MPI for Java

(MPJ) draft specifications [13]. However, our approach to

providing parallel-programming capabilities in Java has

several differences from the projects studied. One significant

difference is the separation of the ns2 project in Alaska enabling mechanisms,

i.e., the middleware infrastructure, from the parallel

programming models resulting in many advantages: The infrastructure supports different programming

models such as message-passing, object-passing, and

distributed shared object. 2. The infrastructure provides efficient common services needed by any programming model such as scheduling, monitoring, load balancing, ns2 project in Alaska synchronization, and job control. 3. The programming models can be easily changed, upgraded, or completely reengineered without having

to change the underlying support mechanisms.

4. The organization of the infrastructure and its ns2 project in Alaska close relationship with the models provides the flexibility

to optimize and fine-tune its operations to achieve

good performances. Based on our observations from studying the different approaches for parallel programming in Java, we have identified some common requirements. In this section, we

first discuss the different parallel Java programming ns2 project in Alaska models and study the requirements to implement and deploy these

models, then identify the generic services and functions that the middleware should provide for developing and

supporting the different programming models. Providing parallel ns2 project in Alaska programming capabilities in Java can be

achieved by following the known parallel programming models. These models are divided into four layers

(categories) based on the level ns2 project in Alaska of user involvement in the parallelization process and the achievable levels of efficiency. In addition, the implementation dependencies can

be observed among these layers.