ns2 project in chhattisgarh
ns2 project in Chhattisgarh as noted above, all sites send rule instances to the MRP as they are generated. Rule instances are collected in a queue read by the MRP. ns2 project in Chhattisgarh When a site is done generating rule instances, it, puts a message SENTALL on the queue, and the MRP ns2 project in Chhattisgarh tracks the receiptof this message from all sites to determine when allinstances have been received. The basic job of theMRP is to report back to each of ns2 project in chhattisgarh the sites which ofthe instances generated by that site should be fired.To accomplish this, the MRP executes the procedure displayed in Figure 1. In the algorithm shown in Figure 1 , the DEQrJErJE operation in step 1 has the obvious meaning. In step 2, the function IS-FREE ns2 project in Chhattisgarh determines if the current instanceis a free instance according to the definition given earlier. If the current instance is free, the CONTINUE directive “short-circuits” the WHILE loop by skipping the remainder of the ns2 project in chhattisgarh body and returning to the top. This happens for free instances whic,h are not redactable. Otherwise, the algorithm proceeds to insert the current instance in the appropriate instance relation (IR) in step 3. In step 4, a new WF tree is created with the current instance at the root. The tree contains as many branches ns2 project in chhattisgarh as there are applicable metarules that may redact the current instance. Each branch contains all the LHS conditions of the metarule it, represents as lists of conditional expressions. The root and all the c,onditional expressions are hashed into appropriate HTBL structures for subsequent fastaccess.
This is the action of the MAKE-WF-TREE In this section we outline various approaches to processing
metarules in a distributed setting. In early ns2 project in chhattisgarh experiments with PARADISER, the performance of
metarule processing using a single metarule processor (MRP) and several base rule processors (BRP) showed
that even when base rule processing was balanced, the metarule processing tends to be the bottleneck in overall
system performance. function. In step 5, the function FOUND-MATCH tests each branch of the WF tree for the current instance
by first propagating the constants in the current instance to each conditional expression, and then carrying
out a constrained search of the IRs to determine if the LHS of any relevant metarule is ns2 project in chhattisgarh satisfied. If any
branc.h is satisfied, the WF tree representing the current
instance is REDACTED, by destroying the WF
structure and removing the entry for the current instance
in its IR, as well as clearing all HTBL entries
resulting from the creation of the WF tree. The algorithm
then simply returns to the top of the WHILE
Otherwise, in step 6, the current instance is used to
index into all possible WF roots that may be satisfied
because of this instance. This set is computed using
the existing HTBLs. Constants ns2 project in chhattisgarh
are propagated from
the roots of each WF tree to its branc,hes, as well as
from the current instance. If matches are found by a
constrained search against the IRs, the corresponding
roots are redac.ted by removing the root instance from
its IR and deleting all HTBL entries in step