ns2 project in Ontario

ns2 project in Ontario

       ns2 project in Ontario however, at the same time, we must ensure that all possible instances are generated over all the sites. The above two goals may be difficult to satisfy simultaneously. Generating relevant instances according ns2 project in Ontario to the metarules may require generating more instances than in the ordinary case where we use restriction predicates that divide the range of each base rule RA according to the ns2 project in Ontario processing potential of the sites, to get match time reductions per rule and uniform completion times over all sites.

         This is so, since the distribution of relevant instances ns2 project in Ontario may not agree with that determined by the algorithm that is only concerned with dividing up the match effort over all sites. The PARADISER system is now operational with base rule processing being fully distributed and metarule processing being carried ns2 project in Ontario out at a single MRP. Initial experiments have shown that for large data sets, the BRPs perform well under dynamic load balancing to compute base rule matches in ns2 project in Ontario parallel and reduces the match time thus allowing the system to scale.

      However, the single site MRP emerges as a bot,- tleneck. We have begun work on distributing the metarule processing as well. Our current effort is to provide distributed metarule processing ns2 project in Ontario using the full distribution  scheme. Our initial experiments point to typical patterns in the behavior of a rule-based system as execution progresses. One such pattern is ns2 project in Ontario that after several cycles, only a few metarules are typically active, since many of the base rules relevant to the bulk of the metarules do not produce instances after the first few cycles.