ns2 project in uttarakhand

ns2 project in uttarakhand

   ns2 project in uttarakhand finally, the Index of concurrence (Ic) provides information

about the level of concurrence of all the activities

composing the transaction in a given instance. This index

was derived from another similar metric successfully used

in In this point, four aspects of the diagnosis are outlined:

the stages to follow in the diagnosis, the causes of the behaviour

considered, the support provided by ns2 project in uttarakhand parameters and

metrics, and finally, the identification of the critical components

of the behavioural model. Diagnosis ns2 project in uttarakhand of the PDES. In this first stage, global

causes of behaviour of the set of transactions in ns2 project in uttarakhand the behavioural

model are evaluated . Identification of critical transactions. The objective

of this stage is the identification of transactions which

do not fulfill one or more of the real-time constraints defined

in the specification of behaviour. Diagnosis of each critical transaction. In this

stage , the causes of behaviour which explain the response

time of each critical transaction are found. Identification of critical activities.The objective

of this stage is the identification of the most significant or

critical activities (bottlenecks) in each critical transaction. Diagnosis ns2 project in uttarakhand of each critical activity. In this last

stage, the causes of behaviour which explain the response

time of each critical activity are found. When considering the causes of temporal behaviour in the

diagnosis, the differences between the causes at activity level and the causes at transaction and PDES levels must

be clearly established. At activity level, the causes of behaviour ns2 project in uttarakhand  correspond to the temporal components of the response time of the critical activities. Three levels of diagnosis are considered. The first level of diagnosis evaluates the waiting and service times of each activity. Evaluation of communication and blocking times during waiting time, processing during service time and resource contention during ns2 project in uttarakhand both waiting and service times, correspond to the second level of diagnosis. Finally, the third level of diagnosis evaluates the specific components of communication, processing, blocking and contention times. Based on these three diagnosis levels,

a set of causes of temporal behaviour of the critical activities can ns2 project in uttarakhand be established. Figure 7 represents the three levels

of diagnosis all the causes considered, with a brief description of each, are detailed.

At PDES level, the causes of behaviour of the PDES as

a whole must be found, whereas at transaction level, the response ns2 project in uttarakhand

time of critical transactions must be explained. To

achieve those objectives, the aggregation of transaction and

activity metrics are considered respectively. Therefore it is

not possible to distinguish all the causes of behaviour considered

at activity level. Only the first two levels of diagnosis

are considered, and ns2 project in uttarakhand so the causes of behaviour are reduced

to five. These causes are shown in Table 2. The first

cause in this table is only valid at the PDES level, while

the other four are valid at both PDES and transaction levels.

The third cause, WAI BLO, also includes contention.

The incidence of each cause of behaviour is evaluated

with a value in the range of 0–1. This value of incidence is

the product of the partial incidence values obtained at each

level of diagnosis. Once the ns2 project in uttarakhand incidence of the causes of the behaviour of each

critical activity composing the critical transactions has been

established, those with high incidence will be considered,

in order to tune the PDES design and establish its proper
