When Zener current iz is greater than zero, gate-to-source voltage Vgs becomes voltage level Vz . In the duration fromfeedback
current is is greater than magnetizing inductor current im, and gate-to-source voltage Vgs is clamped at voltage level Vz .Re-identification of anonymized CDR datasets using social network data The voltage across the magnetizing inductor is equal to the Zener breakdown voltage Vz ; this equality causes magnetizing inductor current im to increase linearly. At t1 , feedback current is equals magnetizing inductor current im, and Zener current iz reaches zero.
When Zener current iz is less than zero gate-to-source voltage Vgs becomes negative voltage level In the duration from t1 to t2 , Re-identification of anonymized CDR datasets using social network data feedback current is is less than the magnetizing inductor current im, and gate-to-source voltage Vgs is clamped at, feedback current is equals magnetizing inductor current im, and Zener current iz reaches zero. When Zener current iz is greater than zero, gateto- source voltage Vgs becomes voltage level Vz . Since feedback current waveform is is symmetrical, and Zener breakdown voltage Vz is assumed to be constant, the durations from each span over one half of the cycle.
According to the timing diagram illustrated feedback current is is equal to magnetizing current im at one-half of the cycle, as shown in Since feedback current is equal to times resonant inductor current, where n is the turns ratio of the current transformer, can be rewritten as follows: are the resonant inductor current and the magnetizing inductor current at one-half of the cycle, respectively.
According to the time-domain analysis given in prior work resonant inductor current in the half-bridge resonant inverter of and magnetizing inductor current can be expressed as respectively Referring to the derivation procedure shown in resonant inductor current of the full-bridge resonant inverter PARAMETERS OF THE SIMULATION CIRCUIT Operating frequencies of the simulated and calculated results with different gate-to-source capacitance Cgs . can be derived as follows By substituting the magnetizing inductance the parameters, as listed in Table I, the self-oscillating full-bridge electronic ballast is simulated to validate the calculated operating frequency by The gate-to-source capacitor Cgs is considered by the simulation circuit. shows the comparison of the simulated and calculated operating frequencies with the different values of the gate-to-source capacitanceCgs .With gate-to-source capacitance Cgs , the operating frequency of the simulated results decreases when gate-to-source capacitance Cgs is increased. Since the design equation of the gate-drive network does not consider gateto- source capacitance Cgs , the operating frequency of calculated