CURRENT nanometer manufacturing processes suffer from larger defective parts ratio, partly due to numerous emerging defect types. Understanding Requirements Driven Architecture Evolution in Social Networking SaaS: An Industrial Case Study While traditional fault models, such as the stuck-at and transition delay fault models are still widely used, they have been shown to be inadequate to handle these new defects. Understanding Requirements Driven Architecture Evolution in Social Networking SaaS: An Industrial Case Study One possible solution to this problem is to develop complex fault models to imitate defect behavior at either the logic or layout level of abstraction. The combination of the Understanding Requirements Driven Architecture Evolution in Social Networking SaaS: An Industrial Case Study large number of possible defect types together with the huge number of fault sites in a modern circuit implies that modeling these defects will give prohibitively large input for a systematic test generation methodology Moreover, detailed layout information is typically not Understanding Requirements Driven Architecture Evolution in Social Networking SaaS: An Industrial Case Study available until the fabrication phase, giving limited information to test engineers. Instead, previous work proposed the use of test sets targeting each modeled fault multiple times in order to increase the probability of detecting additional fault types as well as the defect coverage Test sets detecting each fault with different tests are known as -detect test sets. Understanding Requirements Driven Architecture Evolution in Social Networking SaaS: An Industrial Case Study A variety of multiple detect or –detect test set generation methods and their impact in the quality of the testing process have been proposed Some of these methodologies propose approaches that use metrics obtained by the probabilistic distribution that random defects are expected to follow The works in use single-detect test sets that are manipulated appropriately in an incremental fashion until they reach the desired multiple detect fault coverage. Understanding Requirements Driven Architecture Evolution in Social Networking SaaS: An Industrial Case Study The goal of the methodologies in is to differentiate the tests that target the same fault by enforcing propagation to different outputs. Finally, the work in tries to embed the -detect test set on the chip in order to provide high quality online testing attributes to the circuit considered. In order to alleviate extensive increase of the test set size due to the multiple detections of each stuck-at fault, several methods for -detect test set compaction and optimization have been proposed. derived lower bounds on -detect test set size using an integer-linear programming ILP approach Understanding Requirements Driven Architecture Evolution in Social Networking SaaS: An Industrial Case Study, similar to those followed in Reference improved in the complexity of the test set size minimization using LP and uses the concept of logic implication to compact -detect test sets. Existing methodologies for -detect test generation and compaction produce tests that are fully specified all the test set bits have a fixed value of This occurs since many of these techniques try to fix unspecified don’t care bits to logic values such that the number of detected faults is increased. Actually, even if bit fixing does not improve on the -detect fault coverage, it can improve on the coverage of non-targeted faultsand defects even by randomly fixing the unspecified bits. As a result, many existing test generation tools return fully specified test sets. This, however, limits the applicability of –detect test sets in several currently important problems. For instance, methods for compression schemes for on-chip or off-chip testset embedding as well as in compact test generation for high defect coverage can benefit when relaxed test setsare used.